Robert said:
Some biblicist you are where although you quote all kinds of chapter
and verse, you can't even call this book by it's proper title as
on the covers of each of the books that I own. I will spell it out
S-L-O-W-L-Y so that you can better absorb. It's titled the HOLY
If you must teach us 'sinners' the evils of our ways, can you at
(as with music) play it RIGHT - starting from the TOP ????
Robert the word Bible is the word for BOOK. I am almost certian that
the word "Holy" was added to the title of the original Bible, but I
will need to research the tradition of when and where "Holy" was
added(Post Vulgate era???)
robert, i believe that the Bible is HOLY, but i do not feel the need
to use the title HOLY every time that i use the word bible, just as i
do not feel that is is disrespectful to call The Lord Jesus Christ -
It is not disrespectful to call the "Holy Bible" a Bible.
Robert said" I prefer to believe the scientific explanation "
Robert, I asked you to read Barbour and Morland. Had you done this,
you would be able to see that there are scientists who are both
evolutionists(macro) and creationists. Many Christian scientists
believe in the day age theory, others believe in the gap theory, and
there are also people who are theistic evolutionists(macro).
Mikey Schmidt
Subtitle: Christian mathematician Ivan Panin proves the Bible Is
Divinely Inspired Using the Incontrovertible Science of Mathematics
and Its Corollary Study, Laws of Probabilities
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what
this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the
same way again.
Truly, the vast majority of people are discovering new reasons to
doubt the existence of God and of His Holy Word, the Bible. Liberal
"Christian" churches are leading the charge to cast serious doubt upon
God's existence, His Eternity, His Omipotence, His Omniscience, and
His Word -- more commonly called the Bible.
Colleges and universities are also leading the charge in casting doubt
of these matters in the minds of their young pupils. Of course, by
the time our young people reach college, they have already been pre-
programmed to disbelieve in God and His Bible. Truly, we have never
seen such an instance of such widespread dis-belief in the God of the
But, God will not allow Himself to be sneered at, nor will He allow
Himself to be without witness in this world. Therefore, we see that
leading edge sciences such as Genetics is casting all theories of
Evolution out the window, while other scientific discoveries showing
the Bible to be right whenever it speaks to a scientific issue.
Now, God has spoken through a Christian mathematician, Ivan Panin.
Panin proves the validity of God's Divine Inspiration of the
Scriptures using Mathematics and its corollary study, Laws of
Probabilities. In this article, we shall allow Mr. Panin to
demonstrate scientifically how man can know for sure that the Bible is
Divinely inspired. We encourage you to read this material all the way
through, for you will be shocked. We will be quoting from Ivan Panin's
book, "Verbal Inspiration of the Bible Scientifically Demonstrated".
God is truly right when He said, through the Apostle Paul: "For the
invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal
power and Godhead ..." [Romans 1:20] You will see God through
mathematics, and you will truly appreciate the fact that our God is
THE Master Mathematician in all the universe.
Mr. Panin clearly demonstrated that the numerics upon which the Bible
is constructed proves design -- an elaborate design. And, where you
have an elaborate design, you must have a sophisticated Designer.
"The Bible numerics of the Scripture ... are only discovered by
scientific and scholarly investigation: like the arithmetic of the
musical scale of the human voice; like the arithmetic of the solar
system; like the arithmetic arrangement of chemical atoms in the
molecule. The discovery of this wonderful distribution of arithmetic
in the phenomena of nature has been a great factor in the overthrow of
atheism, which has been so complete that atheists are now rare;
agnosticism being the present day refuge of the opposers of a
God." [p. 22]
This same argument can be made against the proponents of Evolution.
Science generally, and Genetics specifically, absolutely demolish the
arguments of the proponents of Evolution. The ridiculous theory of
Evolution simply will not stand up to any degree of honest
investigation, whether slight or great. Truly, God will never allow
himself to be without a powerful witness in the world.
As Panin discovered that both Hebrew [Old Testament] and Greek [New
Testament] books of the Bible were constructed according to the same
heptadic [7's] structure, he thought it best to check with Greek
scholars to see if Greek itself might be so constructed. Panin said:
"We once requested a professor of Greek to take some Greek prose
classic and ascertain if he could make Panin's theory work on it. But
we have not heard from him on the subject." [Ibid.]
Truly, God miraculously constructed His Bible based upon the structure
of '7', multiples of '7', and extensions of '7' like the number
'11' [7 + 4]. ALL the authors of the Bible demonstrate this heptadic
structure, from Moses to the last Apostle to whom a book was revealed,
which is the Apostle John. This writing occurred over a period of
almost 1,700 years, through about 60 authors, and yet the same
miraculous heptadic [7's]structure prevails!
In Psalm 110, Panin discovered that the number of Hebrew words in this
Psalm is '63', which is 9 x 7 or '9 sevens'. Then, he proceeded to
uncover thirteen more features of 7 within this one little Psalm.
Using the Laws of Probabilities, we discover that "the chance for even
these 14 features of sevens being accidental, undesigned, is only one
is sevn multiplied by itself 14 times: one in 678,223,072,849, or
less than one is some two thirds of a million millions ... not a
paragraph in the whole Bible .. is constructed similarly; its
accounts for the presence of these phenomena in the Bible." [Ibid., p
13; Emphasis in the original]
Now, let us examine some of the evidence Panin put togther. The
information below is but a small culling of the information in this 94-
page book. Further, Mr. Panin wrote volumes of work, in which he
demonstrated the heptadic structure of the Bible, verse by verse and
section by section.
God has decreed in His Scripture that the Number 7 is His number of
perfection. Man is God's highest earthly creation, to whom God has
assigned the number 6, one less than perfection. The highest man in
all history will be the Antichrist, to whom God has assigned the
triple intensification number, '666'.
Conversely, Jesus the Messiah is considered above creation, even above
Perfection, which is why His Name equals '888' in the numerology of
the Greek.
However, for the basis of our study in this article, God considers the
number '7' to be His number of absolute, complete perfection.
Therefore, we should not be surprised to learn that God has built His
Bible upon: the foundation of '7', multiples of '7', and extensions of
'7'. We shall study both God's original organization of Scripture,
the organization of books, names of people, and specific instances,
all based upon '7' and multiples of '7'. An 'extension' of the number
'7' is demonstrated in the two instances below:
* God has also built much of His Word upon the number '11', which is
an extension of '7', in that it is derived from adding God's perfect
number -- '7' -- to the number of His created world -- '4' -- to reach
11. The number '4' is God's created world -- we have 4 directions,
and 4 seasons throughout the year.
* God also uses the number '13' in His Scriptures. Thirteen is
gained by adding God's number of perfection -- '7' -- to the number of
man -- '6' -- to reach thirteen. Thirteen is also assigned to Satan
and his rebellion. We shall not examine instances of the usage of '13'
in Scripture, although Mr. Panin does in his book, quoted above.
Let us now look at the way in which the Bible is created on the basis
of 7 and 11; but, before we can proceed, we need to understand that
the organization of the books of our Bible today is not the original
way in which they were organized. We are not sure of the exact time
in which the organization was changed, but we can be sure that, when
they were changed, Satan was able to immediately hide much of God's
Numerics which underly the organization of the Bible.
Genesis 40. Matthew
Exodus 41. Mark
Leviticus 42. Luke
Numbers 43. John
Deuteronomy 44. The Acts
Joshua 45. James
Judges 46. 1 Peter
1 Samuel 47. 2 Peter
2 Samuel 48. 1 John
1 Kings 49. 2 John
2 Kings 50. 3 John
Isaiah 51. Jude
Jeremiah 52. Romans
Ezekiel 53. 1 Corinthians
Hosea 54. 2 Corinthians
Joel 55. Galatians
Amos 56. Ephesians
Obadiah 57. Philippians
Jonah 58. Colossians
Micah 59. 1 Thessalonians
Nahum 60. 2 Thessalonians
Habakkuk 61. Hebrews
Zephaniah 62. 1 Timothy
Haggai 63. 2 Timothy
Zechariah 64. Titus
Malachi 65. Philemon
Psalms 66. Revelation
Song of Songs -- Song of Solomon
Ruth ]
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
You will discover that God placed much of His numerics within this
original line-up of Books. When you see references to the Number of
the Book, you will know Panin is speaking of the number of the Book
according to the above list. Therefore, 2 Chronicles is Book 39 - and
has a value of 39 - instead of Malachi.
The last thing you need to understand before we get into our study is
that the Hebrew and Greek languages differed from English in that each
of their basic letters was assigned a numeric value.
The languages of the Bible, the Hebrew and the Greek, have no separate
signs for numbers, like our [Arabic] figures, 1, 2, 3, etc. The
letters of the alphabet are used instead, and each letter is also a
number, called its Numeric Value. The sum of the Numeric Values of its
letters is the Numeric Value of the word of which it is made up. Each
Hebrew or Greek word is thus a sum in arithmetic as well as a word.
Thus, the Hebrew Jehovah has 26 for its Numeric Value; the Greek
Iesous, Jesus, has 888.
The numeric values of the names of the persons to whom the Bible books
ascribe themselves are:
This total number, 7,931, is 11 x 721. Or, to look at it another way,
7,931 is 7 x 1133. You see many instances throughout Scripture where
God arranges numbers in such a way as to have double fulfillment, just
as He does in many prophecies.
Now, let us examine the way in which God has written and organized His
Word in such mathematic precision as to absolutely prove His existence
and His Divine inspiration of the Holy Bible. Truly, you will agree
with David in the Psalms when he exclaims that God is too high for him
to understand Him!
Bible divided into 7 great divisions
Genesis [1] to Deuteronomy [5] -- Law
Joshua [6] to Malachi [26] -- Prophets
Psalms [27] to 2 Chronicles [39] -- Writings
Matthew [40] to John [43] -- Gospels
Acts to Acts [44] -- Acts
James [45] to Philemon [65] -- Epistles
Revelation to Revelation [66] -- Revelation
* Add up the order number of these books and you get 407 which is 37 x
11. The number of God is 37 and/or multiples thereof.
Prophets and Epistles have 21 books each or 3 x 7
Epistles are divided thusly:
Pauline Epistles total 14, or 2 x 7
Non-Pauline writers total 7
Seven (7) Epistles are address to, or connected with, churches
Fourteen (14) Epistles are not addressed to, or connected with,
churches 2 x 7
Paul's epistles that are specifically addressed are as follows
To individuals: Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Christian bodies: Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians [7 church bodies]
The total order numbers of the above books equals 504, or 72 x 7
In seven (7) Epistles, Paul mentioned associates expressly by name
with him in the address: 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians,
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon. The order number of these Epistles
is: 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65 = 406 or 58 x 7
In 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Paul mentions two person instead of only
one, as in the other 7 Epistles; the order number of these two books
is 119, or 17 x 7
Only in Galatians does Paul mention associates that are with him,
without naming them. Galatians is Order Number 55, which is 5 x 11
However, Galatians is a neighbor of Book Number 56, which is 8 x 7
Paul mentions three associates in the addresses of his Epistles:
Silvanus [Silas], Sosthenes, Timothy. Their names occur in the New
Testament, respectively, 16, 2, 24 times, for a total of 42 times, or
6 x 7.
Of the 66 total books of the Bible, every 11th number is: 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66. Their sum is 231, or 33 x 7. It is also 21 x 11.
Old Testament writers named in the Bible as authors of special books
are: Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the 12 Minor Prophets, David,
Solomon, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah -- 21 total, which is 3 x 7.
The names of these seven writers occur in the Old Testament 2,310
times, 330 x 7.
Of these 2,310 occurrences, writer whose name occurs most, David,
1,134, or 162 x 7.
Old Testament books belonging to expressly named authors of more than
one book are: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Song
of Solomon, Ecclesiastes: 7 in number. The sum of their order numbers
is 105, or 15 x 7.
Of this above number, Moses has 14, 2 x 7; Solomon has 91, 13 x 7.
New Testament writers occur thusly: James [Jacob in Greek] is found in
11 books, Peter found in 8, Jude in 8, Paul in 15, John in 7; in all,
49 or 7 x 7.
The order numbers of these books are 45-47, 51-65, with their sum
1008, or 144 x 7.
Numeric values of which Old Testament begins and ends -- B'RAYSHITH
and V'YAAL -- are 913 and 116, respectively. Their sum is 21, or 3 x
7. [Adding 9+1+3+1+1+6= 21]< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>
These two words occur in 42 books [6 x7] and the sum of the book's
order numbers is 1,575, or 225 x 7.
The total sum of the Old Testament book's order numbers is 77, or 11 x
Every 7th N.T. book is: 1 Peter, 1 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians.
Numeric values of their authors are 755, 781, 781. Sum of these
figures is 49, or 7 x 7.
First verse of Genesis is seven (7) Hebrew words and 28 [4 x 7]
letters [Heptadic structure ]
Story of the birth of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:18-25, has 77 words , 11
x 7
Story of John Baptist in Mark 1:1-8 has 77 words , 11 x 7
Story of the first church deacons in Acts 6:1-7 has 77 words , 11 x 7
The story of the Birth of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:18-25 is good example
of using numerics to prove or disprove textual differences. The number
of words in verses 18-25 are 161, or 23 x 7; their Greek vocabulary
has 77 words, or 11 x 7; their forms have 105, or 15 x 7; the numeric
value of the entire passage is a multiple of seven. But, if you omit
the name of "Jesus" from this section -- as the Roman Catholic
Communion does -- the entire numeric pattern is totally destroyed.
[Heptadic structure ]
Numerics can settle questions of interpretation. In Luke 23:43, some
modern versions have placed a comma after the word, 'today', implying
that Jesus' was telling the thief he was speaking to him "today".
Place the comma before the word, 'today' and the meaning changes
dramatically. With the comma before the word, 'today', the heptadic
[7] numeric structure holds perfectly; however, if you place the comma
after 'today', all the heptadic numeric structure disappears, every
bit of it.
What did Jesus say? " For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till
all be fulfilled." [Matt 5:18]
Numeric structure can even correct spelling errors found in
manuscripts. If the word is mis-spelled in a copy in the original
Greek or Hebrew, the numeric structure is destroyed.
"So frequent is the number 7 that its presence anywhere may be taken
as a signal that elaborate Numerics are about", p. 81.
The sidereal year of the Earth is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9
seconds, or 31,558,149 seconds, which is 4,508,307 x 7.
Mercury turns on its axis in 86,730 seconds, which is 12,390 x 7.
The diameter of the Moon is 2,163 miles which is 309 x 7.
The mean diameter of the earth is 7917 miles which is 1131 x 7.
The diameter of Venus is 7630 miles, which is 1090 x 7.
The diameter of Mars is 4998, which is 714 x 7.
The diameter of Jupiter is 89,769, and of Saturn is 73,044. Added
together, they equal 162,813 miles which is 23,259 x 7. Jupiter turns
on its axis in 35,721 seconds, which is 5103 x 7.
The Moon is the sole satellite of Earth. Added together, the sum of
their diameters is 10,080 miles, which is 1440 x 7. This would not be
notable, except that the interval between the Temple dedication in
3024 and the Crucifixion in 4032 is 1008 years.
Further, the Numeric Value of 'Aaron' in Greek is 1008, or 144 x 7.
This is the first earthly high priest, with his access behind the veil
-- the type of the One Heavenly High Priest now within the Veil for
His people [Jesus Christ].
Now, let us examine some of the instances where the Bible is either
based upon '11' or its organization is so based.
The order of the books of the Bible, where Genesis equals 1 and
Revelation equals 66, is 2,211, which is 201 x 11
Number of Books of the Bible is 66 which is 6 x 11
Number of Books with Anonymous Authors is 22 or 2 x 11
Number of Books with Specified Authors is 44, or 4 x 11
Of the 44 Specified Authors, number of writers of more than one book
is 22 or 2 x 11
Of the 44 Specified Authors, number of writers of only one book is 22
or 2 x 11
Number of Epistolary Books is 33 or 3 x 11. (Books either are letters
written to individuals or churches or which contain letters)
Books divided in Seven Divisions
First five divisions total 44 books or 4 x 11
Last two divisions total 22 books or 2 x 11
Purely Narrative Books of the Bible
Genesis through 2 Kings equals 11 books
Esther through Acts purely narrative and equal 11
Not Purely Narrative
Isaiah to Ecclesiastes are purely prophetic and equal 22 books or 2 x
Order Numbers of the Epistles equals 1,155, or 105 x 11
Order Numbers of the Non-Epistles equals 1,056 or 96 x 11
Adding up the order numbers of the 7 Great Bible Divisions equals 407,
which is 37x11
Seven (7) Persons are named in New Testament as writers of Old
Testament books. These writers have the following order numbers for
their books:
Moses -- 2, 3, 4, 5
Isaiah -- 12
Jeremiah 13
Hosea -- 15
Joel -- 16
David -- 27
Daniel -- 35
The sum of these order numbers is: 132 or 12 x 11
Five (5) authors named as such in the New Testament: James, Peter,
Jude, Paul, John. The names of these 12 Bible writers named in the New
Testament occur in the total Bible 2,871 times or 261 x 11.
Two (2) Persons whose names occur in the New Testament, but not as Old
Testament writers are Jonah and Solomon. Jonah wrote book #19; Solomon
wrote Book Numbers 28, 30, 33. Add these order numbers together and
you get 110 which is 10 x 11.
Of this figure, Old Testament writers are mentioned in the whole Bible
2,310 times or 210 x 11
New Testament writers are mentioned a total of 561 times, or 51 x 11
Moses, the first Bible writer, is mention ed 847 times, or 121 x 11
The seven (7) Old Testament writers occur in the following books:
Moses is found in 31 books
Isaiah is found in 12 books
Jeremiah is found in 8 books
Hosea is found in 7 books
Joel is found in 7 books
Daniel is found in 6 books
David is found in 28 books
The sum of these occurrences is 99 or 9 x 11
The sum of the First, the Middle [4] and the Last [7] equals 66 or 6 x
The sum of the rest [2], [3], [5], and [6] equals 33 or 3 x 11
The name of Moses occurs 847 times. In some books, it occurs more than
100 times; in some books, its occurrence takes on two digits to
express it, i.e., Joshua, 58 times; In Revelation, Moses is only
mentioned once. Thus, the entire sequence of 11's would have failed
had Moses' name not been mentioned this one time. Moses' birth to
Revelation is 1,666 years, from 1571 B.C. to 95 A.D. a time period of
238 x 7. Number 238 itself is 34 x 7
Moses is mentioned once in 21 books for a total of 77 times -- 7 x 11.
Moses is mentioned more than once 10 books for a total of 770 times --
11 x 7 x 10
Non-Epistle books mention Moses 825 times, or 75 x 11
Epistle books mention Moses 22 times, or 2 x 11
Of the 66 total books of the Bible, every 11th number is: 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66. Their sum is 231, or 21 x 11. It is also 33 x 7.
The Numeric Values of the authors of Scripture is, 7,931, or 11 x 721.
Or, to look at it another way, 7,931 is 7 x 1133. You see many
instances throughout Scripture where God arranges numbers in such a
way as to have double fulfillment, just as He does in many prophecies.
[See above table of the order values of the Books of the Bible]
The first writers of the 7 Bible Divisions are: Moses, Isaiah, David,
James, John. Their total numeric values are 2,662, or 11 x 242.
Bible begins with B'RAYSHITH -- In the beginning; it ends in Greek
with HAGIOHN. The instances of the two appearing in Scripture is 286
times, or 11 x 26.
Numeric value of B'RAYSHITH is 913, which is 11 x 83.
The total sum of the Old Testament book's order numbers is 77, or 11 x
Bible data give eight dates as ending the great Periods of its
1. Adam to Flood to Year 1656
2. Flood to First Covenant 2107
3. Covenant to Exodus 2537
4. Exodus to First Temple 3017
5. Temple to Captivity 3446
6. Captivity to Restoration 3516
7. Restoration to Jesus' birth 3999
8. Birth of Jesus Christ to the Cross 4032
The sum of these dates is 24,310, or 11 x 2210
In determining these dates, every passage bearing on this subject was
studied. There are 245 dates that are obtainable only from the Bible.
The number, 245, is 35 x 7.
As we show above, these 8 major dates added together equals 24,310, or
11 x 2210. However, the numbers occupying the odd places, 1, 3, 5, 7,
9 equal 11,638, or 1058 x 11. The numbers occupying the even places
equal 12,672, or 1152 x 11.
The number of the books of the Bible -- added together -- equals 2211,
which is 201 x 11.
This equation may also be expressed as 11 x 67 x 3. Similarly, the
days of other planets, i.e., Earth, Mars, four moons of Jupiter, and
Venus all have the number '67' in their equations as well. This leads
Panin to say that, "the number of the books in the Bible may have thus
been planned with special reference to the distances of the planets
from the Sun!" [p. 88]
After giving numerous additional examples of the same Bible Numerics
found in Astronomical data , Panin declares: "... the enumeration of
the Astronomic relations so far given is only a mere earnest of
teeming multitudes & The Architect of the Heavens is in every detail
not only the Writer, but also Artificer of His Book, which is an
Edifice as well as a book: a Temple in fact, made indeed with hands,
but also without. The heavens do, indeed, declare the Glory of God.
But the writer [Panin] deems himself specially blessed in its being
given him (unworthy of the least of His mercies) to be the one to
point out that in precisely the same manner, with the selfsame numbers
even, does the Bible also declare the glory of God." [p. 92]
The number of the vibrations of the air in Middle 'C' is 264, or 24 x
The intervals between the notes of the musical scale is always in
multiples of 11.
We hope this little study has given you a scientific basis for your
belief in the Divine Authorship of the Holy Bible. In today's
doubting world, the average person needs to understand the scientific
validity underlying all of Scripture. We have printed articles in
which we have demonstrated that, when God chooses to reveal scientific
truth in Scripture, He is always correct. Now, we demonstrate that
God has chosen to create His Bible on the basis of mathematics. What
a wonderful God we serve!
The time is coming when our faith will be tested by the mighty winds
of Satan, blowing straight out of the Pit of Hell, all in support of
his man, Antichrist. Many of us also may also be called to go through
the fires of martyrdom for our faith in Jesus Christ. Now, you have a
huge edge on all the Christian martyrs who have gone before you; now,
you have scientific proof that God exists, that He wrote His wonderful
Word, and that anyone can see the evidence of the wonderful
mathematics for himself.
Truly, the end is coming, but we now have scientific evidence of
Divine Authorship of the Scriptures.
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately
protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to
enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you
develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have
been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to
open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able
to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a
result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many
souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have
been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to
immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly
forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. "