Southern Gospel music's Two Sodomite Practicing Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
(too old to reply)
2007-05-28 14:08:54 UTC
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are

Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???

Below is my
defense from the book of JUDE:

4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions

,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***

" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...

" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.

6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...

, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "

7just as

There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"

,"since they in the same way"

"as these indulged in gross immorality "

"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "


"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"

, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt
2007-05-29 02:39:29 UTC
Ooh, k00kfr0th! Watch out for the CAPS LOCK KEY.

On May 28, 9:08 am, ***@yahoo.com wrote:

Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are

Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???

Below is my
defense from the book of JUDE:

4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions

,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***

" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...

" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.

6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...

, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "

7just as

There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"

,"since they in the same way"

"as these indulged in gross immorality "

"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "


"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"

, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidtwww.trumpetofthelord.com
2007-05-29 11:53:52 UTC
Post by Jeff
Ooh, k00kfr0th! Watch out for the CAPS LOCK KEY.
Jeff Helgesen is a liberal sodomite supporter , and most likely is a
pro abort who is not even saved.
2007-05-30 22:42:42 UTC
The Bible could not be any clearer, practicing homosexuals are not

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (Amplified Bible)

"9Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not
inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived
(misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality...

10... will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."

Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt

Post by Jeff
Ooh, k00kfr0th! Watch out for the CAPS LOCK KEY.
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???
Below is my
4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions
,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***
" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...
" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...
, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "
7just as
There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"
,"since they in the same way"
"as these indulged in gross immorality "
"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "
"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"
, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidtwww.trumpetofthelord.com
2007-05-30 22:45:30 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
The Bible could not be any clearer, practicing homosexuals are not
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (Amplified Bible)
"9Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not
inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived
(misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality...
10... will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt
Post by Jeff
Ooh, k00kfr0th! Watch out for the CAPS LOCK KEY.
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???
Below is my
4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions
,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***
" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...
" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...
, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "
7just as
There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"
,"since they in the same way"
"as these indulged in gross immorality "
"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "
"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"
, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidtwww.trumpetofthelord.com- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well then enjoy your stay in your make believe hell then mikkkey
2007-05-30 23:01:03 UTC
George, I would NEVER CHOOSE to participate in the UNBIBLICAL
perversion of homosexuality. I am very well pleased with the happy
marriage that I have with my wondertful wife. Anyone who chooses to be
a practicing homosexual is LOST, is NOT SAVED, and will spend an
ETERNITY in a Devil's HELL if they do not REPENT, CHANGE their mind,
and give up their wicked sodomite lifestyle. Thank you.

Various Interpretations of "practicing homosexuals" from 1
Corinthians 6:9

"men who practice homosexuality," (ESV);
"those who participate in homosexuality," (Amplified);
"abusers of themselves with men," (KJV);
"practicing homosexuals," (NAB);
"homosexuals," (NASB, CSB, NKJ, The Great Book: The New Testament in
Plain English);
"homosexual perversion," (NEB);
"homosexual offenders," (NIV);
"liers with mankind," (Rhiems); and
"homosexual perverts." (TEV)

Two well respected biblical scholars say:

A. Mohler: "I believe it explicitly relates to homosexuality. It has
been understood that way in the Christian Church from the earliest
T. Crater: "It [malakoi] can have a meaning that's not carnal. But
the way it's used -- it's embedded in the same context with adultery
-- it's pretty clear what the meaning is...A hallmark of Evangelicals
is that we take a literal, normal, face-value interpretation of the
Bible. Some people attempt to keep some form of Christianity and hold
on to homosexuality, too. It leads to strange interpretations of the
2007-05-30 23:59:33 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
George, I would NEVER CHOOSE to participate in the UNBIBLICAL
perversion of homosexuality. I am very well pleased with the happy
marriage that I have with my wondertful wife. Anyone who chooses to be
a practicing homosexual is LOST, is NOT SAVED, and will spend an
ETERNITY in a Devil's HELL if they do not REPENT, CHANGE their mind,
and give up their wicked sodomite lifestyle. Thank you.
Various Interpretations of "practicing homosexuals" from 1
Corinthians 6:9
"men who practice homosexuality," (ESV);
"those who participate in homosexuality," (Amplified);
"abusers of themselves with men," (KJV);
"practicing homosexuals," (NAB);
"homosexuals," (NASB, CSB, NKJ, The Great Book: The New Testament in
Plain English);
"homosexual perversion," (NEB);
"homosexual offenders," (NIV);
"liers with mankind," (Rhiems); and
"homosexual perverts." (TEV)
A. Mohler: "I believe it explicitly relates to homosexuality. It has
been understood that way in the Christian Church from the earliest
T. Crater: "It [malakoi] can have a meaning that's not carnal. But
the way it's used -- it's embedded in the same context with adultery
-- it's pretty clear what the meaning is...A hallmark of Evangelicals
is that we take a literal, normal, face-value interpretation of the
Bible. Some people attempt to keep some form of Christianity and hold
on to homosexuality, too. It leads to strange interpretations of the
Then WHY - OH WHY - Dr. Dookie, do you look so very, very GAY?
2007-05-31 02:02:20 UTC
On May 30, 7:59 pm, Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com> wrote:
Then WHY - OH WHY - Dr. Dookie, do you look so very, very GAY?- Hide
quoted text -
Folks, here you see an example of how the pro abort - pro homo crowd
attacks a minister because of his biblical stance. The pro homosexual
agenda has put the AMERICAN COWBOY under attack. Remember how pro
homosexual Hollywood recently produced a gay cowboy movie. Because the
American Cowboy is a symbol of masculinity and heterosexuality , the
homosexual crowd has done there best to try and make the American
Cowboy gay. Because I look like an American Cowboy, the pro homosexual
crowd is trying to make me out to look gay, which I do not. I am proud
of my image, and as a heterosexual minister I am proud of the fact
that my image consultant Steven Houser has given he the look of the
American Cowboy. I am proud to look like Gene Autry or John Wayne:


Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt

2007-05-31 02:15:04 UTC
Isaiah 5:16
But the LORD of hosts is exalted in justice,and the Holy God shows
himself holy in righteousness.
Jeremiah 31:23
Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "Once more they shall
use these words in the land of Judah and in its cities, when I restore
their fortunes: "'The LORD bless you, O habitation of righteousness,O
holy hill!'

Daniel 9:24
"Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to
finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for
iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision
and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place.
Romans 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Titus 3:5
he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but
according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal
of the Holy Spirit,
2 Peter 2:21
For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of
righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy
commandment delivered to them.
2007-05-31 02:34:06 UTC
I like my AMERICAN COWBOY look:


There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.

Again folks you see the pro homosexual pro abort crowd trying there
best to try and make me look gay, because there agenda is to try and
make all cowboys look gay.

How sad.

Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt

If your church supports abortion or the homosexual agenda, please do
NOT call here looking to book us to come and minister to you.
2007-05-31 02:38:34 UTC
Homosexuality is Condemned in the Bible! Bob Davies


The Bible's condemnation of homosexuality is as clear and plain as the
Bible's condemnation of murder, adultery, premarital sex, kidnapping,
lying and idolatry. Further, for me to openly condemn homosexuality
theologically makes me no more a "gay basher" than I am an "adultery
basher", "premarital sex basher", "kidnapper basher" or a "murderer
basher". If you disagree, your argument is with God's Bible.

The homosexual community has two ways of promoting their personal
choices of being homosexual through the religious forum. First, some
will claim the Bible actually promotes and condones homosexuality.
Second, others try to get the Bible banned from public use by
categorizing it as hate literature.

For any to use the Bible to condone rather than condemn homosexual
activity in the theological arena just proves such a one has
absolutely no idea what the Bible actually teaches. For anyone to
suggest the Bible says homosexual activity is acceptable to God, is
nothing short of willful blindness. So to set the record straight once
and for all, here is what the Bible teaches on the subject.

Anyone who has heard of the cities of "Sodom and Gommorah" knows that
they were notorious hotbeds of homosexuality. Gen 19:5-8 "and they
called to Lot and said to him, 'Where are the men who came to you
tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.'
But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him,
and said, 'Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.'" The Greek word
in the New Testament for homosexuality is literally "a sodomite". Jock
is trying to redefine what the term "sodomite" means. (A term that has
unchanged in 5000 years, even today- "sodomy") Apart from the fact the
city was clearly destroyed by God because of homosexuality in the
narrative of Gen 19, even the New Testament clearly states exactly the
same thing in Jude 7 "Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around
them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality
and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example, in
undergoing the punishment of eternal fire." Any sinner should always
remember that the God who commands us to love our neighbour is the
same God who will cast any and all unrepentant sinners into the
"eternal fire". Here are more Bible quotes, Lev 18:22-23 "You shall
not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie
with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall
surely be put to death." 1 Cor 6:9 "Or do you not know that the
unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,
nor homosexuals" 1 Tim 1:9-10 "realizing the fact that (civil) law is
not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and
rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane,
for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral
men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers" Rom
1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for
their women exchanged the natural function for that which is
unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural
function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another,
men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own
persons the due penalty of their error."

If the homosexual community chooses to practice homosexuality in
privacy, that is there free choice. But let such persons know for
certain that the Christian Bible condemns all such practices and God
will judge them unfit for the kingdom of heaven if the continue to
practice and openly promote homosexual sex.

Seven Things I Wish
Pro-Gay People Would Admit
by Bob Davies
1. I wish they would admit that many people are not happy with their
homosexuality or lesbianism, and that this conflict is internal, based
on legitimate, intelligent religious and moral convictions--not just
the result of a so-called "homophobic" society which is forcing guilt
upon people who don't conform to a heterosexual ethic.
Stop throwing out the cheap, inaccurate labels like "internalized
homophobia" to explain our motivations.
2. I wish they would acknowledge that homosexuals and lesbians can
experience significant change in their sexual feelings and desires,
even though they may never be totally heterosexual in their sexual
thoughts and feelings.
Be honest enough to admit that such change is significant and genuine,
even if it isn't complete.
3. I wish they would acknowledge that many former homosexuals and
lesbians have found a greater measure of peace and satisfaction after
leaving a gay or lesbian lifestyle than they ever experienced while
embracing homosexuality.
Not all "ex-gays" are miserable, plotting how to secretly fulfill
their homosexual lusts without being caught.
4. I wish they would acknowledge that many former homosexuals and
lesbians have genuine joy in their marriages.
Most former gays and lesbians don't get married in a futile attempt to
"escape" homosexuality; they marry as a natural consequence of
resolving that issue in their lives.
5. I wish they would acknowledge that all people have as much right to
pursue a heterosexual lifestyle as they do to pursue homosexuality.
Former homosexuals and lesbians should not be harassed and castigated
by the gay community. But I have never heard any gay or lesbian
leaders speak out against the violence (such as bomb threats and
physical/verbal abuse) which some people perpetuate against Exodus
6. I wish they would stop equating our decision to leave homosexuality
with "hatred" and "bigotry" against gays and lesbians.
We don't hate gays; we simply desire to live free of homosexuality.
Don't put nasty labels upon our motives. That's being judgmental and
7. I wish pro-gay religious leaders would admit that their endorsement
and promotion of monogamous homosexual relationships is a facade.
Many--probably most--men and women involved in long-term partnerships
are not sexually monogamous, but gay churches don't discipline members
for committing "adultery" outside their "gay marriage." Neither do
they discipline gays or lesbians who have sex before entering into a
"holy union" with their partner.
Bob Davies is past President of Exodus International and an ex-gay
himself. He has been married for nine years. "
Doctor Nomine
2007-05-31 10:51:15 UTC
Of course you do, Brokkkebackkk Mikkkey, of course
you do. And we all know why!
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
Why do you post volumes and volumes of material about homosexuality?
Why do you make so many posts about anal sex?
Why do you make so many posts about men and their rectums?
Why do you make so many posts about the Village People, posting dozens of
youtube links to their videos?
Why do you post obsessively about homosexuality, over and over and over
Why do you imagine homosexuals everywhere?
Why do you accuse people that you have never met of homosexuality?
Why did you repeatedly post that you are "a gay man and a gay trumpet
Why do you post pictures of yourself in women's blouses?

Mikkkey, EVERYTHING about you looks gay, and you
expend a great deal of effort on usenet talking about
it. You seem to spend a huge percentage of your time
thinking about homosexuality, and posting about it
on Usenet. And the reason is obvious.

"I am a gay man and a gay trumpet player."
(a quote from Michael E. Schmidt, lousy Tennessee
trumpet player wannabe), who used the email address
***@yahoo.com to make the
posts the quote is taken from.
2007-05-31 16:46:20 UTC
Post by Doctor Nomine
"I am a gay man and a gay trumpet player."
(a quote from Michael E. Schmidt, lousy Tennessee
trumpet player wannabe), who used the email address
posts the quote is taken from.
C'mon Mikey, say it out loud, "I'm out and proud". We are all your
friends, we will not judge you, what better place to come out and
admit to your homosexuality than amongst your fellow trumpet players?
2007-05-31 17:39:18 UTC
Mikey is NOT a homosexual Brian . It is part of the pro homosexuals
plan to try and make every good God fearing minister who actually
follows the bible out to be a homosexual.

The Real Doctor Nomine
2007-05-31 19:59:46 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Mikey is NOT a homosexual Brian . It is part of the pro homosexuals
plan to try and make every good God fearing minister who actually
follows the bible out to be a homosexual.
The Real Doctor Nomine
Hi Mikey!

I don't think that every God fearing minister is homosexual. That
would be silly. However, a high proportion* of God fearing ministers
who go on and on about gays, sodomy and "unnatural practices" in
graphic detail are, in fact, gay.

*100%, in fact
2007-05-31 22:33:54 UTC
Helgesen, you are the fake Nomine.
So Jason (a.k.a. Nomine # 3) thinks Nomine # 2 is Jeff Helgesen,
afraid not Jason. Think back a little bit further, I know who Nomine #
2 is, and it is not Jeff Helgesen. But Jason is warming up to the part
of the country that nomine is from, think more about DCIMW drum corps
country Jason.

And Helgesen, no matter what you say, you are a better trumpet player
than Shawn Hines , and Mikey Schmidt is a better trumpet player than
Ouch Jason, leave Jeff Helgesen alone, I tell ya he ain't Nomine # 2.

Call Mikey Schmidt all of the names that you all want to, but none of
you punks has tone on a flugelhorn that is as good as Mikey

Jeff has an advantage over me Jason, he is playing on a Conn, and as
for now, I am stuck with this Bundyish 631.

On May 31, 3:59 pm, Brian <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

I don't think that every God fearing minister is homosexual.
No God fearing Ministers are homosexuals.
As a matter of fact, no real Minister is a homosexual.
Post by Brian
would be silly. However, a high proportion* of God fearing ministers
who go on and on about gays, sodomy and "unnatural practices" in
graphic detail are, in fact, gay.
Demonizing anyone who preaches what is in the real Bible and thus
preaches against the wicked perverse anti-godly debauchery of sodomy,
Another tactic of the pro homosexual agenda Brian.
Romans 1:24-32
Damn, Howdy,

I NO LONGER go by "Howdy", please, call me "KING" , I do not want to
be associated with splatsaphone UCLA freak richard the bozo haired
baldy blaster splat splat 10 cents sharpy anymore, in any way.Thank

it's been a while since you've posted from this IP. Did
you get your bill all payed up?

That was Jason. I'm too sick to leave the house, thanks for asking.

It is sad that most southern gospel fans would rather be entertained
by lost men who are actively homosexuals then to be ministered to by
"preachy" ministers who rather than just sing the entire set also
share from God's word.

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 02:04:18 UTC
<sneck Mikkkeys sokkks talking to each other>
That was Jason. I'm too sick to leave the house, thanks for asking.
Yes, you're sickkk all right! You're a sickkk "botttom"
kkkowboy, Howdy
It is sad that most southern gospel fans would rather be entertained
by lost men who are actively homosexuals then to be ministered to by
"preachy" ministers who rather than just sing the entire set also
share from God's word.
Most southern gospel fans would prefer to listen to
the sermons of a minister, not a lying fraudulent
gay Kowwwboy "kkkatcher."
2007-06-01 10:34:57 UTC
On Jun 1......

<useless garbage deleted>

Look, I don't know if the guy practices homosexuality or not....he
darn sure doesn't practice his trumpet from what I've heard. He does
seem to be into blowing his own horn.

Fact of the matter is, the good folks at alt.music.gospel.southern
could care less about Mikey or people who waste their time with

BTW, Mikey, three and a half years ago does not qualify as "recently".
Sheesh, what's next, a "news item" about Rex Humbard starting a
Quartet at his Cathedral?
2007-06-01 13:46:43 UTC
Who knows just what the lost sodomite has and has not done done as of
recently ? His confession was one of those I got caught so I better
confess to something to keep the $$$ flowing in type of confessions.
He never confessed that he was LOST, that he was a LOST person, like 1
Corinthians 6:9 and 10 says that he is. The other SGM Star is still a
practicing sodomite, many people know who the other big time SGM
singer is that I am talking about, but this other big fat SGM singer
just has not been caught yet. I bet if he does get caught in his
sodomy that we will see yet another wimpy so called "confession"
followed by 6 months of waiting to go back on the road and bring in
the $$$ just like nothing ever happened.

Southern Gospel Music Stars are, too this very day, involved in
homosexuality, illegal drug use, alcoholism and heavy drinking,
multiple adulterous affairs, smoking, cussing like sailors, unhealthy
rude behavior to subordinates , to people like sound men; stealing
and cheating. It is awful just how unchristian so many of these
Southern Gospel Music Stars in reality are.

But Southern Gospel Music fans do not care how ungodly SGM Stars live,
just as long as they continue to be entertained(not ministered to).
Entertainment is valued by SGM fans, not holiness.

As for stupid claims from complete idiots that I do not practice my
trumpet, that is a complete lie fabricated by the pro homo pro abort
crowd. I can out play all of those idiots on a trumpet, and every one
of those idiots knows it.

Mikey Schmidt

THE loudest trumpet player in the world

2007-06-01 14:02:06 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Who knows just what the lost sodomite has and has not done done as of
recently ? His confession was one of those I got caught so I better
confess to something to keep the $$$ flowing in type of confessions.
He never confessed that he was LOST, that he was a LOST person, like 1
Corinthians 6:9 and 10 says that he is. The other SGM Star is still a
practicing sodomite, many people know who the other big time SGM
singer is that I am talking about, but this other big fat SGM singer
just has not been caught yet. I bet if he does get caught in his
sodomy that we will see yet another wimpy so called "confession"
followed by 6 months of waiting to go back on the road and bring in
the $$$ just like nothing ever happened.
Southern Gospel Music Stars are, too this very day, involved in
homosexuality, illegal drug use, alcoholism and heavy drinking,
multiple adulterous affairs, smoking, cussing like sailors, unhealthy
rude behavior to subordinates , to people like sound men; stealing
and cheating. It is awful just how unchristian so many of these
Southern Gospel Music Stars in reality are.
But Southern Gospel Music fans do not care how ungodly SGM Stars live,
just as long as they continue to be entertained(not ministered to).
Entertainment is valued by SGM fans, not holiness.
As for stupid claims from complete idiots that I do not practice my
trumpet, that is a complete lie fabricated by the pro homo pro abort
crowd. I can out play all of those idiots on a trumpet, and every one
of those idiots knows it.
Mikey Schmidt
THE loudest trumpet player in the world
Stay away from Captain Howdy.

\___ Proud Cog #1 in the AUK Hate Machine
_(AUK)====:: Do *you* think that you have the Right Stuff?
/='='='='-, Apply TODAY by addressing a gratuitously cruel
(O+O+O+O+O) flame to: "Uncle Fester", C/O soc.singles & AUK.
2007-06-01 14:09:37 UTC
Here is the Sodomites so called confession:

"Dear Friends:

It is with great sadness that I write to you today. Many of you have
emailed me personally, many have called the office to inquire as to
what's going on with me these days.

As you have seen on my website, all upcoming concerts have been
canceled. For years and years I have been in a battle with some very
personal issues. I have fought and fought and at times been
victorious, but then again at other times, I have been weak. For 30 or
more years I have battled feelings of
loneliness and depression, all stemming from the struggle of
homosexuality. It has wreaked havoc on friendships, relationships, and
of course my marriage. I have tried and tried during all of this to
maintain my relationship with Christ "

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 teaches that the practicing homosexual IS NOT

Practicing homosexuals do not have relationships with Christ, they are
all lost.

No wonder he has failed to turn from his homosexuality, even after 30
years of pretending to be a Christian!


"but at times, that was even difficult. I have come to learn that this
is much greater and much more complex than what most people realize. I
have sought Christian counseling thru the years, I have talked with
great pastors, men and women of God, that have prayed for me and with
me and held me when I didn't have the strength to stand.

In the past 90 days, I have been the victim of extortion by someone
who gained personal knowledge of my life. This person demanded a large
sum of money to keep quiet. I had to go to the FBI and get the
authorities involved.
Therefore in the midst of the federal case, the local media found out
about it and has become widely publicized nation wide. The US
Attorneys office and the FBI insisted that I make no statement to
anyone concerning the case, and I still can't speak to that.

I am very very sorry that I have disappointed so many of my friends. I
ask you to forgive me. At this point, I don't know where I am headed,
don't know what I am going to
do, and I don't know where I will end up. But this I do know. I know
about the mercy and grace that I have written about for years. I have
experienced it time and time again and at this point, I am living in
the arms of mercy.

I have had so many people email me to say they were praying for me,
standing with me, holding me up in thoughts and prayers. Let me say
that my thankfulness for your encouragement could never be measured. I
have held onto it during this most difficult time of my life.
Naturally there has been a lot of hate mail too, but I am not letting
that get to me. So many people have emailed me
with stories of their own personal strife. As I am walking through
this, I have come to realize that there are thousands of people who
struggle with the same issues, people in ministry, people in music,
professional "all-together" people, men and women. At this present
time, I certainly am in no position to
help these people as I need help myself. I am seeking counsel "
OK, here is some wise counsel based upon the Bible, REPENT, CONFESS,
and TURN from your homosexuality to GOD, and GET SAVED!


", trying to have a better understanding of this pain in my life.
Contrary to what some people have suggested, I still have a
relationship with God "
You are LOST, you have NO relationship with God.
"and I am surrounding myself with Godly people that are giving me wise
counsel and they are helping me walk through this.

I ask for your prayers at this time in my life. I know some will
automatically throw me aside, and I understand that totally. I have
actually thrown myself aside several times but God has always been
faithful, picking me back up and saying "go on." If there are those of
you that will commit to pray for me daily, I would greatly appreciate
it. My immediate plans are uncertain, but I feel a need to go to a
quiet place and try to gain refocus and seek God's perfect will and
direction for my life. "

WELL here is gods plan for your life, REPENT of your sins , even yuor
homosexuality, TURN from your homosexuality , ADMIT that the
homosexual lifestyle is proof that you are not saved, CONFESS your
unbelief and turn to GOD , Get Saved.

"So many of the southern gospel artists and people involved in the
industry of gospel music have been my rock in the past few weeks and I
appreciate their compassion and their continued friendship.

My website will remain open so I can be in touch with you at some
later time.
Thank you for understanding that right now I need to take some time to
reflect, think and pray. Certainly, I am seeking God's will in my


Where is the homosexuality is wrong, where is the homosexuality is a
sin, where is the confession that you have been living a total lie for
30 years???

Repent and get saved!!!!
2007-06-01 14:58:06 UTC
This was written to the Sodomite Southern Gospel Singer:

I have been in gospel music for over 40 years and I just have to tell
you that I am appalled at people like you who "profess" to be a
Christian and yet can't stand upon the word of God. Being homosexual
is something the Bible teaches us is wrong and not something to be
proud of. If it is a situation you just can't find any resolution - I
feel gospel music and ministry should not be where you find yourself.
You need to take a stand - either you are gay or you're not. Either
get on the fence or get off - don't sit in the middle and still
portray yourself as a gospel singer - ministering to others. Ministry
is about spreading God's word - being a servant of God and living as
close to God as possible. Being a homosexual is not of God - it is
wrong and if you know the Bible you have to agree. Please resolve your
issues and face the facts - don't mislead yourself or others. Don't be
a hero to other young men who are struggling with these same issues.
Be a man and step up to the place - tell the truth and either serve
God as He has commanded us or be a homosexual and go against what God
teaches us is right - you can't have both !!! "
- Dee Chapman
2007-06-01 15:47:52 UTC
Comments from blogs about the SGM Sodomite Star XXX XXXX"

1. Is XXX trying to say that she's a lesbian?

2. He admittedly refuses to denounce homosexuality.

3. He goes to churches, sings his songs, tells his story, and then
what? What's the end of the story? I'm attracted to men. If you know
someone who is attracted to the same sex, go, befriend them, reunite
with them. Sounds to me like if he's doing any good at all, he's
making gay people feel better about themselves.

4. I would love to have heard of how God delivered him from this
UNNATURAL affection. That would be a testimony and evidence of one who
could be restored into ministry.

On the Furr interview
I really am confused. I don't know what to make of the interview. Here
we have XXXX XXXXXX saying he's still attracted to men (and for the
record, I really don't care who he is attracted to) and afterwards
says he still loves the Lord and all that. I don't think the majority
of sg fans will buy it and in fact (like I said earlier in an email)
will totally reject it.

I guess he's just being honest, but if I were XXXX XXXXXX (and I'm
not), I would have declared myself cured and gone on the road again as
an example of how God forgives sin. Instead, he continues with the
same old blabber. I guess you have to admire him for this, but it
makes no sense.

I still say that his career is over and he needs to go into another
profession. And I say that even as I don't care and still love to hear
him sing. It makes no difference to me, but the vast majority will
reject him.

On that Furr interview
1. XXXX XXXXXX seems to be tailoring his comments to his audience. (I
assume the interview took place on a secular talk radio station and I
assume XXXX XXXXXX was aware of that format.) We saw it in GQ, and I
think we see it here. I've read and listened to interviews with sg
artists my entire life and I simply cannot imagine him responding
similarly and reacting to the questions as candidly (or using the word
"crap" that much, for that matter!) with sg media. Not that there's
anything wrong with that, but he either didn't know it was podcasted
or is awfully naive in believing that sg folks wouldn't log in and
listen or buy/share copies of GQ, once they knew he was in it.

2. He seems to be hitting the "XXXX XXXXXX the victim" drum pretty
hard. Of course, Furr sort of set that up for him with the direction
of the questioning. And, yes, XXXX was a victim of extortion. (Note,
after he sent out nude pictures of himself over the internet , to a
known gay man)However, this tone is a wholesale departure from the
"XXX XXXXXX the disgraced yet repenting sinner" tone that was so
evident at the beginning of his comeback. By the way, has the
restoration team statement vanished from his website? I cannot find it
there. If it's gone, I wonder if one or more team members asked that
it be removed or if he yanked it. Of course, the team served its
purpose. It gave him a stamp of approval and the ribbon of legitimacy
on which to re-launch his ministry. Now he's back on the road,
building a "circuit" of churches at which to appear, and a list of
references. Who needs the restoration team? Hmmm....

3. When Furr asked XXXX XXXXXX if his faith was ever shaken, he says,
"My relationship with Christ never wavered. (got that right, he was
and still is a lost man)I've had a good relationship with Him(lie)
ever since I came to know Him as my Savior". Square those two
sentences with XXXX XXXXXX online testimony; especially the parts
about the bondage in his life and all those years when he begged God
to free him from the same-sex attraction.

4. Those sg fans who long for XXXX XXXXXX to come out and denounce
homosexuality are going to continue to be disappointed and angry. He's
back in business again, with the date book full for every weekend. My
gut tells me that when he figured out that he could fill a road
schedule WITHOUT any further groveling to the sg or conservative
establishment (after all, they'll never fully embrace him again
anyway), he decided to address (or not address) the issue in his own
way. XXXX XXXXXX paying his bills by appearing in front of and selling
his albums to folks in churches that are moderate, disengaged, or
liberal on the gay issue. Good for him. The more he does bidness with
these people (along with the GQ's and Pam Furr's of the world), the
more emboldened he'll be to go his own way and not indulge in right-
wing in ways that might repulse him.

Thanks much for the pointer. I had put it on in the background at
work, but soon was listening with riveted attention. The guy tells a
convincing story. I'm especially impressed that he says he still has
attractions to men.(Why, he was and still is a lost man, and his
comments only serve as proof of the fact, he has had no genuine
repentance) It would be so easy for him to lie and say that life is in
the past, and he would be instantly more successful (financially
better off too). The guy has determined to find his way through this
in his own way. It's really too bad if you want to write and sing
about your personal Savior, you are kind of forced to take up the
whole infrastructure, along with all the dead weight of those who
would castigate you. I'm fortunate to be "spiritual" but not
"religious", which XXXX XXXXXX is not allowed to do, given he needs
the whole church infrastructure to make his living. I don't think
Jesus had that in mind at all.

I know it is explained on the website that know postings are expected
after the first. I've written once before commenting on XXXX XXXXXX.
For the past month and a half I've continued to pray for this man.
Yesterday, I revisited his website; later in the day I sent him a
personal e-mail. I am ashamed to say that one of my comments may have
been sort of hateful; yet I think it possessed an element of truth.
Herein lies the situation.

People who have read the earlier post may know he refused to post a
message on free will and salvation from me (one I sent sometime last
year). This one was obliterated, and I was never given an explanation
why. (I will tell you why, because XXX XXXX is lost)After writing my
post here, I decided to give it another try. There was so much one-
sided viewpoint, people tearing one another apart, etc... that I
figured a message of free will and salvation needed to be placed
there. He finally posted this one, but I believe it was to get me off
his "back" proverbially speaking and to present himself in the best
light possible. I cited Matthew 28(the Great Comission) as my reason
for the post.

To return to the earlier matter, I saw he had granted an interview to
GQ magazine (no doubt from the sounds of it) presenting himself in the
best possible light. I wrote an e-mail to him because it disturbed me
greatly, especially when he is subtly trying to promote a gay agenda.

Later that day, I revisited his guestbook; he had posted my personal e-
mail to his guestbook (and my e-mail address without my permission)
for the whole world to see. A lot of people then set in to lash out at
me, which is fine people are human and imperfect me included. He did
this to garner sympathy more than anything I'm sure. Several months
earlier everyone's e-mail addresses had been posted(some technical
jargon I don't understand), but that was modified a little over two
months ago for purposes of filtering. Well, there is my e-mail address
in broad light for everyone to see.

Anyone interested may want to visit his website and view his entire
guestbook. This man is selfish and deceptive; I don't think he's
changed. Ultimately, I can't judge. There are two sides to every
story, and he seems interested in touting only his viewpoint."
Jim Blansett
2007-06-01 16:33:02 UTC
On Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:09:37 -0700, ***@yahoo.com wrote:

<snipped for brevity>
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Where is the homosexuality is wrong, where is the homosexuality is a
sin, where is the confession that you have been living a total lie for
30 years???
Repent and get saved!!!!
Now, Howdy, you just stop picking on poor Kirk Talley. Don't you feel
bad that he can no longer, in good conscience, be your kkkloset
2007-06-01 21:33:21 UTC
On Jun 1, 12:33 pm, Jim Blansett <***@hotmail.commakaze>

There is no such thing as a "Christian Homosexual".

You can not be both a Christian and also be a practicing homosexual at
the same time.

XXXX XXXXXX seems to want to be the poster boy for the so called
'christian homosexual".

XXXX XXXXXX is in denial, he is lost, he is not saved, and until he
repents and turns from being a homosexual, he will never become a real

The Bible clearly teaches in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that all practicing
homosexual men are lost and on there way to hell.

The original koine Greek is very clear about this.

Mikey Schmidt


2007-06-01 22:03:05 UTC
"The Minister's reply)

If you have any knowledge of the scriptures, then you would know that
secular "proof" in support of homosexuality is not proof at all. The
only authority in religion is the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Even if
most of the world supports homosexuality, does that have any bearing
on what God says on the subject? The Lord has already revealed that
most people will end up in Hell (Matt. 7:13-14). In fact, He further
points out that many people who think of themselves as religious will
lose their souls because of disobedience (Matt. 7:21-23).
Homosexuality is disobedience (1 Cor. 6:9-10). In fact, homosexuality
is so repugnant to God that He said He would turn His back on such
individuals who practice homosexuality (Rom. 1:26-32). Notice in that
passage that God calls homosexuals vile, shameful and debased. Now
that is God's words! God is love (1 John 4:8)! What is love you
might ask? 1 Cor. 13:4-7, teaches us the true meaning of love.
Notice love does not rejoice in sin as those who practice
homosexuality. Notice love does not seek its own as a homosexual does
to fulfill his debased desires apart from God's word. When you
realize that homosexuals hurt everyone they have sex with (because the
sin prevents salvation), then you will know that homosexuals have no
love for their partners.

There is no hate here. Not on my part just because I teach what God
says and there is certainly no hate from God. Actually, there is only
love that I teach you these things for the benefit of your soul's
salvation. If I truly hate, then I would remain silent or worse,
teach others that homosexuality is acceptable.

If you can come to terms with God's word, then I can help you (John
17:17). You have much to learn!


2007-06-03 13:21:32 UTC
Want more proof that SGM fans only want to be entertained and sung to,
not ministered to:

"Could part of the problem also be the concept of "paying to go to
church on a Friday or Saturday night"?

Don't get me wrong - Sunday concerts are designed for both worship and
ministry, and mixing some preaching in with the music is expected
(especially at a church venue). However, when you go out for
entertainment - spending $24 to $60 per ticket - just intending to
relax and listen to some good music with good uplifting Christian
lyrics, you don't expect to hear 10 minutes of preaching between each
3 minute song." - Bob Hughes

It is CLEAR to me that most SGM fans only want to be entertained and
sung to, not to actually be ministered to. They see real ministry as
"preachy", and true Davidic worship as "boring". SGM fans care more
about how well a group can entertain them then they do about the way
that the entertainers actually live.They want entertainment not
worship. They care more about how entertaining the group is than how
godly their music is. Most SGM fans could care less if a so called
"cute" little man (xxxx xxxxxx)is the poster boy for the "christian
homosexual", as long as he entertains them well.

Mikey Schmidt

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-03 13:33:48 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Want more proof that SGM fans only want to be entertained and sung to,
No, nobody's interested.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
They see real ministry as "preachy", and true Davidic worship as "boring".
Everyone sees you as boring, Howdy baby.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Most SGM fans could care less if a so called "cute" little man
(Howdy Shit)is the poster boy for the "christian homosexual",
as long as he entertains them well.
But you're not entertaining. Your obsession with homosexuality
is really annoying. Find a boyfriend and get over it, Howdy
baby. Ask Herbie Popnecker. Couldn't you keep your foaming
rants to your own private Google groups, where nobody else
(except your socks) would ever see them?
Jim Blansett
2007-06-03 13:38:02 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Want more proof that SGM fans only want to be entertained and sung to,
"Could part of the problem also be the concept of "paying to go to
church on a Friday or Saturday night"?
Don't get me wrong - Sunday concerts are designed for both worship and
ministry, and mixing some preaching in with the music is expected
(especially at a church venue). However, when you go out for
entertainment - spending $24 to $60 per ticket - just intending to
relax and listen to some good music with good uplifting Christian
lyrics, you don't expect to hear 10 minutes of preaching between each
3 minute song." - Bob Hughes
It is CLEAR to me that most SGM fans only want to be entertained and
sung to, not to actually be ministered to. They see real ministry as
"preachy", and true Davidic worship as "boring". SGM fans care more
about how well a group can entertain them then they do about the way
that the entertainers actually live.They want entertainment not
worship. They care more about how entertaining the group is than how
godly their music is. Most SGM fans could care less if a so called
"cute" little man (Kirk Talley) is the poster boy for the "christian
homosexual", as long as he entertains them well.
Mikey Schmidt
I think your "X" key is stuck. I helped you out by filling in Kirk
Talley's name for you.

2007-06-03 14:08:37 UTC
Post by Jim Blansett
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Want more proof that SGM fans only want to be entertained and sung to,
"Could part of the problem also be the concept of "paying to go to
church on a Friday or Saturday night"?
Don't get me wrong - Sunday concerts are designed for both worship and
ministry, and mixing some preaching in with the music is expected
(especially at a church venue). However, when you go out for
entertainment - spending $24 to $60 per ticket - just intending to
relax and listen to some good music with good uplifting Christian
lyrics, you don't expect to hear 10 minutes of preaching between each
3 minute song." - Bob Hughes
It is CLEAR to me that most SGM fans only want to be entertained and
sung to, not to actually be ministered to. They see real ministry as
"preachy", and true Davidic worship as "boring". SGM fans care more
about how well a group can entertain them then they do about the way
that the entertainers actually live.They want entertainment not
worship. They care more about how entertaining the group is than how
godly their music is. Most SGM fans could care less if a so called
"cute" little man (Kirk Talley) is the poster boy for the "christian
homosexual", as long as he entertains them well.
Mikey Schmidt
I think your "X" key is stuck. I helped you out by filling in Kirk
Talley's name for you.
Jim, I was trying to be nice and leave this persons name out of this.
Kirk needs to REPENT of his homosexual lifestyle. Kirk is not a
Christian. Kirk has bought into the lie of easy believism, that you do
not need to repent and confess your sins in order to be saved. kirk is
a believer, not in Jesus, but rather in the false doctrine of
antinomianism, that you can be saved and still live your life any way
that you want to. M.R. DeHaan taught about this antinomian heresy in
the church. You are not saved if you are a practicing homosexual, but
you can be saved if you repent, and change from a practicing
homosexual to someone who chooses to leave the homosexual lifestyle.
many men have CHOSEN to give up the devils homosexual lifestyle ,
repent , confess, and change their minds and become a believer,
someone who is not aq practicing homosexual. homosexuality is a
choice. Practicing homosexuals do not have personal relationships
with Jesus. the Devil has Kirk deceived. The Bible says that the god
of this world (The Devil) has blinded the minds of those who do not
believe in Jesus. Kirk is , according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 not a
Christian. This is why Kirk has not had any victory over
homosexuality, he is caught in the devils trap. Kirk is not saved as
he loves his sin(homosexuality)more than he loves Jesus. Jesus said
you can not serve two masters. Jesus said that the way is wide that
leads to destruction(hell). Jesus talked about hell, and Jesus taught
(Mark 9) taught that hell is a place of eternal torment, he called it
a lake of fire where the worms never stop rotting and the fire is
never quenched. as a matter of fact, Jesus mentioned this three times
in a row for emphasis. The person who tries to get a homosexual to
change his mind and turn from his homosexuality and get saved is not a
bigot, they are perhaps the most helpful and important person that the
practicing homosexual could ever meet. Encouraging practicing
homosexuals to choose to repent of their homosexual lifestyle and turn
to the Lord Jesus is the biblical way. Practicing homosexuality is a
sure sign that the person has never truly been saved.

Gotta run, I'm late for Sunday School.

God bless you ,

Mikey Schmidt

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-03 14:24:04 UTC
<snip the same old same old hate spew from Howdy the Homo Hater>
Gotta run, I'm late for Sunday School.
Off to indoctrinate the Hitler Youth, I see. Have to
train them to goose step into Poland, and round up the
queers for extermination. Your views on homosexuality
are very similar to bin-Laden's and Hitler's.
God bless you ,
God damn you
Herr ,,Dokkktor'' Mikkkey Eichschwein Schmidt
2007-06-04 03:28:48 UTC
kirk is a believer, not in Jesus, but rather in the false doctrine of
antinomianism, that you can be saved and still live your life any way
that you want to. M.R. DeHaan taught about this antinomian heresy in
the church.<snip>
Oh my God the Irony meter just exploded!

"...that you can be saved and still live your life any way that you
want to."

Two things, "dr:"

1. Presumably, one who is genuinely converted would not WANT to live
a "sinful life." So your statement makes no sense in that regard.

2. I have never seen or heard of someone claiming to be
"saved" (claiming to be a "minister," even) who so blatantly disobeyed
the scriptural commands against hatred and lying as you do.

Of course, of you actually believed in your "lord" you would have no
desire to behave in such a cowardly, dishonest, bigoted, idiotic way.

Just an observation. Now run along to "sunday school" and don't
forget to take your meds.
2007-06-04 06:02:30 UTC
Post by s***@myexcel.com
kirk is a believer, not in Jesus, but rather in the false doctrine of
antinomianism, that you can be saved and still live your life any way
that you want to. M.R. DeHaan taught about this antinomian heresy in
the church.<snip>
Oh my God the Irony meter just exploded!
"...that you can be saved and still live your life any way that you
want to."
Two things, "dr:"
Well "dr esq" , we will look then at your two things,
Post by s***@myexcel.com
1. Presumably, one who is genuinely converted would not WANT to live
a "sinful life." So your statement makes no sense in that regard.
Yet those who claim to be "Christian and are also practicing
homosexuals" live a life CONTRARY to a genuine Christian. Romans 1:32,
says that those" who know of the future judgement of God, and yet they
continue to do such things (Homosexuality, beastiality, etc.)are
worthy of eternal damnation, and not only those who do these things,
but also those who take pleasure with those who do , these are those
who do not see a problem with someone doing these things."

Whoever is a practicing homosexual or is practicing beastiality is
worthy of eternal damnation. the bible is clear that they are not
saved, and 1 Corinthians 6:9 that "the unrighteous shall NOT inherit
the kingdom of god, do not be deceived because fornicators , nor idol
worshipers, nor adulterers, nor men who act effeminate, not men who
lie in bed and have sex with men...10...they shall not inherit the
kingdom of God."
Romans 1:21 says that these people(inc. practicing homosexuals) were
"vain in the things that they imagained, their foolish hearts were
dark...22...The professed themselves to be wise (safe, saved)but they
became fools ...23...and they changed the uncorruptible way that God
really is, and they in their imagination they truned him into a false
god that is like corrupted man...24...God separated himself from them
because of their unclean living , because they lived for the lusts of
their own hearts, they dishonored themselves with their own bodies
between themselves, 25...they were people WHO CHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD
FOR A LIE, they worshiped and served the creature more than the
creator...26 because of this god gave them up because of their vile
effections...27...men left the natural way of having relations with
women , and instead men burned with lust and had the hots for men, men
were doing with men things that were so bad you would not want to see
them(sodomy), and they were receiving body fluid in themselves from
other men , and that was an error...28...and they did not want to know
what the real God is like,...29 they were filled with
unrighteousness...31...without understanding...without natural
affections...32 ...they are worthy of eternal torment.

Matthew 7:13 , Jesus said "Enter by the gate that is straight: because
WIDE is the gate , and BROAd is the way that leads to distruction,
many will there which go that way...14...because straight is the
gate , and narrow is the way that laeds unto life, and few are those
that find it...15 BEWARE of false prophets , who come to you in sheeps
cloths, but in reality inward they are raving wolves...21...not
everyone that says unto me "Lord , lord" shall enter into the kingdom
of Heaven, the only ones will be the ones that DO THE WILL OF THE
FATHER...23...AND I will profess to them, depart from me you people
who DO WORKS OF INIQUITY, FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU(You were never a child
of God, you were never saved)
Post by s***@myexcel.com
2. I have never seen or heard of someone claiming to be
"saved" (claiming to be a "minister," even) who so blatantly disobeyed
the scriptural commands against hatred and lying as you do.
Well"dr esq", YOU will not be seating on the throne of David, but
rather, "dr esq", you will be judged by it. I am glad that you 'dr
esq" will not be my judge. My name is written in the lambs book of
life, therefore, I am being sanctified, and I am going to have eternal
life in heaven, with crowns to lay at Jesus' feet.
You "dr esq", will be judged for your lies, perversion, and for your
support of this:

Post by s***@myexcel.com
Of course, of you actually believed in your "lord" you would have no
desire to behave in such a cowardly, dishonest, bigoted, idiotic way.
Again "dr esq", your bit is , well, quite a bit stale. I am glad that
you will not be sitting on the throne og david, which is a good thing
because you are unworthy to even look at it.
Post by s***@myexcel.com
Just an observation. Now run along to "sunday school" and don't
forget to take your meds.
I take meds for my MD. I do not take any mental health meds, like you

2007-06-04 06:55:42 UTC
Here is the problem, antinomianism has once agan crept into the
"The Christian community as a whole has rejected antinomianism over
the years for several reasons..."


{an - ti - noh' - mee - uhn - izm}
General Information

Antinomianism is the belief that Christians are liberated from the
observance of moral laws when God's grace is active. The belief was
first attributed to St. Paul, who declared that his opponents
"slanderously" had charged him with saying, "And why not do evil that
good may come?" (Rom. 3:8).

Some proponents of early Gnosticism adopted a form of antinomianism in
sexual matters, holding that people are accountable only in matters of
the spirit. At the time of the Reformation, a few followers of Martin
Luther took his concept of justification by faith alone to mean that
the law had no bearing on the life of a Christian. In colonial
America, charges of antinomianism were brought against Anne
Hutchinson, who was banished from Massachusetts because of her

General Information
Antinomianism (Greek anti,"against"; nomos,"law") is the doctrine that
faith in Christ frees the Christian from obligation to observe the
moral law as set forth in the Old Testament. The insistence in the
Epistles of St. Paul upon the inadequacy of the law to save, and upon
salvation by faith without "works of the law" or "deeds of
righteousness" (see Romans 3:20, 28; Ephesians 2:9; 2 Timothy 2:9;
Titus 3:5) could easily be interpreted as a claim of freedom from all
obligation to obey the moral law. Thus, righteous persons might well
hold such a doctrine and behave in an exemplary way, not from
compulsion but from a devotion higher than the law. Gross and vicious
persons, however, might well interpret the exemption from obligation
as positive permission to disregard the moral law in determining their

Such concepts had evidently begun in the apostles' own day, as appears
from the arguments and warnings in the epistles of the New Testament
(see Romans 6, 8; 1 Peter 3:5). The term was first used during
theReformation by Martin Luther to describe the opinions of the German
preacher Johann Agricola. The Antinomian Controversy of this time, in
which Luther took a very active part, terminated in 1540 in a
retraction by Agricola. Views more extreme than his were afterward
advocated by some of the English nonconformists and by the


Advanced Information
The word comes from the Greek anti (against) and nomos (law), and
refers to the doctrine that it is not necessary for Christians to
preach and / or obey the moral law of the OT. There have been several
different justifications for this view down through the centuries.

Some have taught that once persons are justified by faith in Christ,
they no longer have any obligation toward the moral law because Jesus
has freed them from it. A variant of this first position is that since
Christ has raised believers above the positive precepts of the law,
they need to be obedient only to the immediate guidance of the Holy
Spirit, who will keep them from sin.

A second view has been that since the law came from the Demiurge (as
in Gnosticism) and not from the true, loving Father, it was a
Christian's duty to disobey it.

Third, others have said that since sin is inevitable anyway, there is
no need to resist it. An extension of this view is the contention of
some that since God, in his eternal decree, willed sin, it would be
presumptuous to resist it. Finally, still others have opposed the
preaching of the law on the grounds that it is unnecessary and,
indeed, contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It was the first of these views that the apostle Paul had to address
in various letters to Christian churches in the first century. For
example, there were those in the Corinth church who taught that once
people were justified by faith, they could engage in immorality since
there was no longer any obligation to obey the moral law (1 Cor. 5 -
6). Paul also had to correct others who obviously had drawn wrong
conclusions from his teachings on justification and grace (e.g., Rom.
3:8, 31). Paul himself agonized over his own inability to meet the
law's demands, but also exalted it as holy, spiritual, and good (Rom.
7). Elsewhere he taught that the law was the schoolmaster who brings
sinners to a knowledge of their sin and therefore to Christ (Gal.
3:24). He concluded that the proper relationship was that of the
stipulated works of the law flowing from the experience of saving
grace rather than vice versa (Rom. 6 - 8).

Perhaps the most extreme form of antinomianism in early Christianity
found expression in the Adamite sect in North Africa. The Adamites
flourished in the second and third centuries, called their church
"Paradise," condemned marriage because Adam had not observed it, and
worshiped in the nude.

Many Gnostics in the first centuries of the Christian era held the
second of these variations of antinomianism, that the Demiurage, not
the true God, gave the moral law; therefore it should not be kept.
Some forms of antinomian Gnosticism survived well into the Middle
Ages. Moreover, various medieval heretical groups preached Corinthian
- style freedom from the law, some going so far as to claim that even
prostitution was not sinful for the spiritual person.

The two most famous antinomian controversies in Christian history
occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and involved
Martin Luther and Anne Hutchinson, respectively. In fact, it was
Luther who actually coined the word "antinomianism" in his theological
struggle with his former student, Johann Agricola. In the early days
of the Reformation, Luther had taught that, after NT times, the moral
law had only the negative value of preparing sinners for grace by
making them aware of their sin. Agricola denied even this function of
the law, believing that repentance should be induced only through the
preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.

This first major theological controversy in Protestant history lasted
intermittently from 1537 to 1540. During this time Luther began to
stress the role of the law in Christian life and to preach that it was
needed to discipline Christians. He also wrote an important
theological treatise to refute antinomianism once and for all: Against
the Antinomians (1539). The whole matter was finally settled for
Lutheranism by the Formula of Concord in 1577, which recognized a
threefold use of the law: (1) to reveal sin, (2) to establish general
decency in society at large, and (3) to provide a rule of life for
those who have been regenerated through faith in Christ.

There were several outbreaks of antinomianism in the Puritan movement
in seventeenth century England. However, the major controversy over
this teaching among Puritans came in New England in the 1630s in
connection with an outspoken woman named Anne Marbury Hutchinson, who
emigrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1634. At the time, the New
England Puritans were attempting to clarify the place of "preparation
for conversion" in covenant (or federal) theology. They had come to
the conclusion that salvation lay in fulfilling the conditions of
God's covenant with humankind, including preparation for justification
and a conscious effort toward sancitification. To some, including
Hutchinson, this seemed like an overemphasis on the observance of the
law, and she condemned it as a "covenant of works." Instead, she
stressed the "covenant of grace," which she said was apart from the
works of the law. She began to hold informal meetings in her home to
expound her views and to denounce those of the preachers in

In the context of the great stress of the times, it was only a few
years before the civil war erupted in England and the colony lived in
tense frontier circumstances, the New England clergy probably
misunderstood her main concerns and overreacted to what they perceived
to be a threat to the unity and internal security of the Puritan
community. At a synod of Congregational churches in 1637 Hutchinson
was condemned as an antinomian, enthusiast, and heretic, and banished
from the colony. In 1638 she moved to Rhode Island.

In the twentieth century some have viewed existentialist ethics,
situation ethics, and moral relativism as forms of antinomianism
because these either reject or diminish the normative force of moral
law. Certainly most orthodox Christians today agree that the law
served the twin purposes of establishing the fact of human sin and of
providing moral guidelines for Christian living. In general the
various antinomian controversies in history have clarified the
legitimate distinctions between law and gospel and between
justification and sanctification.

The Christian community as a whole has rejected antinomianism over the
years for several reasons. It has regarded the view as damaging to the
unity of the Bible, which demands that one part of the divine
revelation must not contradict another. Even more important, it has
argued that antinomians misunderstood the nature of justification by
faith, which, though granted apart from the works of the law, is not
sanctification. In general, orthodoxy teaches that the moral
principles of the law are still valid, not as objective strivings but
as fruits of the Holy Spirit at work in the life of the believer. This
disposes of the objection that since the law is too demanding to be
kept, it can be completely thrust aside as irrelevant to the
individual living under grace.

R D Linder
(Elwell Evangelical Dictionary)"
2007-06-04 13:46:23 UTC
<<<Snipped the rest of Rev Dookkkie's idiotic cut and paste>>>
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Post by s***@myexcel.com
Just an observation. Now run along to "sunday school" and don't
forget to take your meds.
I take meds for my MD. I do not take any mental health meds, like you
It's been well documented that meds are no the only thing Howdy
Dookkkie swallows. :-)
2007-06-05 15:12:15 UTC
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How nice, Jeffrey compared me to Ray (In the middle), now that was a
compliment, thanks Jeffrey.
2007-06-05 15:47:04 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
How nice, Jeffrey compared me to Ray (In the middle), now that was a
compliment, thanks Jeffrey.
But you are much more handsome Howdy Dookkkie!

Loading Image...
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-11 22:37:40 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
But you are much more handsome Howdy Dookkkie!
On "Dokkktor" Howdy ko0Kie Dookie's website, he
blames that photo on the "pro homo pro abort
crowd." It's "Dokkktor" Dookie's excuse for
everything wrong with his pathetic life. It's
all the fault of those pro homo pro aborts.
They're following him around, stalking him
by night, and stealing his cheese! The pro
homo pro aborts ... they're everywhere!
2007-06-11 22:41:48 UTC
Post by Doctor Nomine
Post by Jazzycat1
But you are much more handsome Howdy Dookkkie!
On "Dokkktor" Howdy ko0Kie Dookie's website, he
blames that photo on the "pro homo pro abort
crowd." It's "Dokkktor" Dookie's excuse for
everything wrong with his pathetic life. It's
all the fault of those pro homo pro aborts.
They're following him around, stalking him
by night, and stealing his cheese! The pro
homo pro aborts ... they're everywhere!
Wow! I would have blamed it on Photoshop!
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-12 00:00:12 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Post by Doctor Nomine
Post by Jazzycat1
But you are much more handsome Howdy Dookkkie!
On "Dokkktor" Howdy ko0Kie Dookie's website, he
blames that photo on the "pro homo pro abort
crowd." It's "Dokkktor" Dookie's excuse for
everything wrong with his pathetic life. It's
all the fault of those pro homo pro aborts.
They're following him around, stalking him
by night, and stealing his cheese! The pro
homo pro aborts ... they're everywhere!
Wow! I would have blamed it on Photoshop!
Zat one a them thar "hacker programs"?
Ah heered they wuz eeelegal! Alliz ah
knowz is they'z used by them thar pro
homos and pro aborts.
2007-06-05 18:25:00 UTC
It's rather odd that a man of the cloth charged with the task of
guiding people from the temptation of sin is himself committing one of
the Seven Deadly Sins. That is to say, the Deadly Sin of PRIDE.
Well Robert, lets just take a look at what kind of Pride that the
scriptures is talking about, because not all forms of pride are sin,
from Proverbs 16

:16How much better is it to get wisdom than fine gold, and the getting
of intelligence to be preferred to silver!

17The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that taketh
heed to his way keepeth his soul.
Here in scripture we see two different kinds of people
1. The upright wise intelligent people who live right and go God's


2. The prideful unwise unintelligent people who do not live right, who
do not care about their eternal soul.

The UPRIGHT person does not do Evil (such as homosexuality or murder
including aborting little babies, or child molesting, etc.)

18Pride [goeth] before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a
Pride goes before (the # 2 person( destructs. A haughty spirit comes
before (the # 2 person) person falls.

19Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the meek, than to divide
the spoil with the proud.

20He that giveth heed to the word shall find good; and whoso
confideth in Jehovah, happy is he.
Again Robert we see a contrast, between those who follow the word of
God and go Jehovah's way, the happy way (practicing homosexuals have
been proven to be unhappy in study after study after study), and those
who are prideful , the ones who live a hedonistic life , those who
live only to please their prideful desires in this world.


21The wise in heart is called intelligent, and the sweetness of the
lips increaseth learning.

22Wisdom is a fountain of life for him that hath it; but the
instruction of fools is folly.
Jim Blansett
2007-06-05 18:41:06 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
It's rather odd that a man of the cloth charged with the task of
guiding people from the temptation of sin is himself committing one of
the Seven Deadly Sins. That is to say, the Deadly Sin of PRIDE.
Well Robert, lets just take a look at what kind of Pride that the
scriptures is talking about, because not all forms of pride are sin,
from Proverbs 16
:16How much better is it to get wisdom than fine gold, and the getting
of intelligence to be preferred to silver!
17The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that taketh
heed to his way keepeth his soul.
Here in scripture we see two different kinds of people
1. The upright wise intelligent people who live right and go God's
2. The prideful unwise unintelligent people who do not live right, who
do not care about their eternal soul.
The UPRIGHT person does not do Evil (such as homosexuality or murder
including aborting little babies, or child molesting, etc.)
18Pride [goeth] before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a
Pride goes before (the # 2 person( destructs. A haughty spirit comes
before (the # 2 person) person falls.
19Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the meek, than to divide
the spoil with the proud.
20He that giveth heed to the word shall find good; and whoso
confideth in Jehovah, happy is he.
Again Robert we see a contrast, between those who follow the word of
God and go Jehovah's way, the happy way (practicing homosexuals have
been proven to be unhappy in study after study after study), and those
who are prideful , the ones who live a hedonistic life , those who
live only to please their prideful desires in this world.
21The wise in heart is called intelligent, and the sweetness of the
lips increaseth learning.
22Wisdom is a fountain of life for him that hath it; but the
instruction of fools is folly.
Loading Image...
2007-06-05 20:23:03 UTC
2007-06-05 23:39:20 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 22:48:20 UTC
Non-practicing "trumpet player"(*) Michael E. Schmidt,
of Athens, Tennessee, claims to be a Christian minister,
but he has publicly acknowledged his homosexuality.

Posting as:
(iaagmaagtp AT hotmail DOT com)

He repeatedly admitted, even boasted, "I am a gay man."

A brief perusal of the posting headers provides conclusive
proof that this is the same person that has more recently
posted as:
(drmichaeleschmidt AT yahoo DOT com)
and from his "ministry" email address:
(trumpetofthelord AT yahoo DOT com)
and from other addresses too numerous (legion) to mention.

Yes, he has publicly proclaimed his homosexuality.
So why is he frothing at the mouth?

(*) If you have ever heard him "play", then you
understand why he is so widely known as a non-
practicing "trumpet player."
2007-06-03 17:57:19 UTC
What is with you Robert, lately you are acting a little strange.

As for the critics , anyone can come on here and rant about how
bad another musician is, "he plays like a jr high schooler, but that
would be an insult to jr high schoolers" etc, blah blah blah, but it
is another thing altogether to be able to play well live, or to
well in the studio. From my experience, it seems for a trumpet player
that in the studio one gets better over time. It takes a while to get
comfortable recording in the studio, and it takes a while for trumpet
players to get use to hearing themselves and their effects thru the
headphones while they are recording. Also, what might sound well when
you record it, might not sound well to you two days later. For me $$$
has kept me from recording on the level that I would like to, but I
recording and making new music, just not the way that I would like to
if I had more $$$ to invest in recording. Being an indy artist can be
tough , and sadly most indy artists survive only because they
personally fund their own recording, duplication, distribution,
touring and promotion(compilation, etc.).
any record deal that the artist has to pay money for is no real
deal, it is just an indy artist,. beware, this industry is full of
sharks who will be glad to take the money from indy artists who they
try to convince will be the next latest and greatest only if they
invest by giving money to the AnR rep.

The key to getting a real record deal and a manager and a booking
agent is DATES, the more dates you have, the more you will get
and the better chance you will have of a record deal, the chance to
get a manager and a booking agent. Many groups today are doing self
booking, and that is very difficult and is a real pain in the rump.
is difficult to self book, but if you do you save the 30 % that goes
to the booking agent and the manager.

Many people ask me, "how do you get dates(self booking). I tell them
it is very tough to do self booking, you have to hit the phones and
get to know people, for me that is ministers and promoters. If you
self book you will get a lot of disrespect. it is amazing top me how
disrespectful some music ministers, Pastors and promoters can be if
you want to book a date and you are not the latest and greatest in
their mind. The best you can do is persevere. Be realistic, if you
make 100 phone calls self booking and you only get 4 bookings, you
doing average. The odds are against you, but if you persevere you can
build your dates to 50, 75, even 100 dates a year. even when TTOTL
doing almost 100 dates a year, it still was very difficult for me to
self book. Without the $$$ to advertise, and to provide fancy promo
packs, it will be difficult to self book in the larger venues/
churches. most of the larger churches are only interested in a few
artists, the ones that are in the big time, and if you are not one of
the big time artists with a fancy tour bus and lots of spins, you
should expect to be turned down from ministering in the larger
In SGM , their are about 50 artists/groups who get to play to most of
the best venues. this is one reason that many SGM fans are sick of
SGM, because it features and promotes the same few groups. When I was
involved in the Korbut story, I was mentioned in a story that was on
the front page of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, and that
was covered on the front page in over 40 other national papers , I
interviewed by many newspapers including by People Magazine , yet the
Singing News refused to do a story on this even after I asked and
offered to give them an interview. This is top me proof that if you
are not a card carrying member of the SGM Prevost bus club, that the
SGM industry could care less about you. Why? One reason is that there
are so many SGM groups out there that are REALLY BAD. Also the SGM
industry is fed by $$$ , and $$ talks. the groups with large budgets
that run adds in magazines like the Singing News, are primarily the
ones that get the press coverage in those magazines.

God bless you,

Mikey Schmidt

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-03 18:49:51 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
What is with you Robert, lately you are acting a little strange.
In case you missed it due to your marginal reading
skills, Robert plonked you. That means he does not
see your posts. After almost a decade on Usenet,
one would think that you would understand such a
simple concept, but your abject kkkluelessness is
why a long-time Usenet ekkkkspert like you is currently
up for selection as the Clueless Newbie of the Month.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
<self-back-patting and obvious lies snipped>
Howdy, you just posted this same lame screed on another
thread. Are you running out of freaky fundie froth to
copy and paste?
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Mikey Schmidt
Hehe. No fake "dokkkterit" title? Was is revokkked?

Nobody will take any advide from you on how to succeed
in the music performing and recording business. Nobody
wants to end up a complete failure like you. Nobody wants
to play like you.

Now run along and concoct some koook socks to cite to
try to dispute what I've read. You know that you can
never back up your bullschmidt with actual playing.

Doctor Sine F. Nomine
2007-06-04 02:04:30 UTC
Kirk Talley, the poster boy for the so called "christian homosexual"
gets Sweeter Every Day As The Day Goes By:

2007-06-04 02:07:17 UTC
Kirk Talley, the poster boy for the so called "christian homosexual"
gets Sweeter As The Days Go By:

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-04 02:36:30 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Kirk Talley, the poster boy for the so called "christian homosexual"
Howdy, you already posted this a few minutes
ago. That's why you are a shoe-in for Clueless
Newbie of the Month. You are totally clueless,
and you are more ignorant than you were the
first day you posted. And you were pretty
damned ignorant then!
2007-06-05 11:33:23 UTC
...and have not love, your words are vain...
Besides love, another Christian attribute that you appear to be missing
is humility.
Just who in reality shows the real love of God to the practicing
homosexual Bob,?

The antinomianist/easy believism lies to the lost practicing
homosexual and shares a false message that they can be a Christian
a homosexual at the same time and that all they need to do is accept
Jesus into their heart to be saved without and confession or

Or the person who out of an act of true Christian love shares the
message of John the Baptist and Paul, that unless the practicing
homosexual confesses, repents, and changes his mind and admits that
the homosexual lifestyle is wrong and that they need to accept the
LORD Jesus Christ as their savior that they will spend an eternity in
the devils HELL.

A person can NOT be saved without repentance (CHANGE)and Confession.
John 1:9 says that "IF we confess our sins, he is faithful and just
forgive us of our sins..."

did you catch that word Bob IF


Galatians 6:7 says "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a
man soweth , that he shall reap".

When the antinomianist/easy believist teaches that a person can be a
practicing homosexual and also be saved.

To many people wrongly think that repentance is being sorry that they
God caught.

"Repentance is to leave the sins that we did before, and to do them
more "- Dr. David Jeremiah

When a person truly gets saved, they receive the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit. When a person gets saved, they have a mind change, the ,
as the Bible puts it "Are being sanctified".

A person who claims to be saved who has no evidence of salvation in
their daily living has in reality never truly repented, and thus are
lost. Practicing homosexuals can get saved, but they are not saved.
The Holy Spirit does not indwell those who are practicing
Practicing homosexuals are not Christians. There is no such thing as
homosexual Christians, Christians can be former practicing
homosexuals, but Christians can not be practicing homosexuals. When
(at the very moment) a homosexual accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as
their savior, they receive victory over their homosexuality.
homosexuality is a choice for a lost person, but true genuine
Christians who have repented and confessed to God their wicked
deplorable homosexual lifestyle will never fall back into the
homosexual lifestyle. Any person who falls back into the homosexual
lifestyle is a person who has never been born again, and they have
experienced the new birth in Jesus Christ, as they never reached the
genuine turning point of becoming a genuine Christin/ person of faith
in Christ.

Just being sorry because a person is caught in sin is not true
biblical repentance.
Not to mention that you don't have much room to be calling anyone fat.
Here's hoping that fundamentalists like you are on their way out in the
I no longer call myself a "fundimentalist" , I am an evangelical

Those who know me well know I am no hard sheller.

"be not conformed to this world, but be TRANSFORMED...

A genuine believer has been transformed

Dr. Mikey Schmidt


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2007-06-05 13:56:20 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
...and have not love, your words are vain...
Besides love, another Christian attribute that you appear to be missing
is humility.
Just who in reality shows the real love of God to the practicing
homosexual Bob,?
You do, Howdy! You give 'em the "Rod of God"!

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2007-06-07 16:02:09 UTC
I know that you've probably heard this before, and rejected it, because
"the Bible tells you so" but here it is again,
Like I said, you probably have your mind closed on this subject, but
there it is. Several decades ago, we had this same debate about racism.
There are still people out there who believe that people of other
races are inferior, but thank God public opinion has turned against
them, and for the most part they've shut up, maybe someday the same
thing will happen in this case.
The more biblical passages I hear from others, the more confused I
get. Especially so is concerning the topic of 'sin'. I've heard so
many opinions from different people who interpret the same Holy Bible
as to what 'sin' actually is.
Take for instance two people - one a heterosexual and the other a
homosexual. Based on the notion 'according' to the Holy Bible and
those who live by it and interpret it the way they feel, one is a
'sinner' and the other is not strictly based on each person's sexual
orientation alone. I must ask people like Mikey to cut to the bottom
line as to who the REAL sinner is. A homosexual that treats his or her
mate with love, respect, and devotion as well as complying with the
law and consideration of others - OR a heterosexual supposedly not a
sinner that goes out and gets drunk, comes home and beats the shit out
of his or her spouse, as well as committing hate crimes because a
person is 'different'. Which person is the REAL sinner??????
The answer is that BOTH of these two people are sinners.

The bible tells us that God love us, but he hates our sin. all sin
separates us for god and his holiness, the sin of homosexuality, and
the sins of drunkards, spousal abuse and hate crimes. Are some sins
worse than others, yes, would you rather a person lie toy your mother
or rape her, etc. however, All, sin separates us from god, and god
requires sinless perfection in order for us to go to heaven when we
die. Sin is not allowed to enter heaven 9Romans 6:32). The wages for
any sin and every sin is DEATH. Romans 3:23 teaches that All of us are
sinners Robert, that includes you, I, homosexuals, wife beaters, those
who commit hate crimes, etc. The bible says in Romans 3:23 "For ALL
have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god". Ecclesiastes 7:20
says that there is not a person on earth that always does good who
lives without sinning".
Isaiah 64:6 says "We are all unclean people, and all of the good
things that we do are to God as clean as menstrual rags" (Yes, that
is what it really says in the Hebrew). Isaiah 64:6 goes on to say that
our sins take us away like the wind.

The word SIN in the koine Greek (Original NT) is the word Harmartano
(Where we get the word Harmartiology, the doctrine of sin from) which
means "to miss the mark of God's perfection".

Bob, ALL of us have missed the mark of God's perfection. Both are
guilty of breaking the requirement to enter heaven.
James 2:10 teaches that none of us are perfect in God's eyes.

the result of both persons sins is the penalty of eternal death.
Romans 6:23 teaches us that the payment for sin is death. God does not
hate the sinner, he hates the SIN, God hates all sin. All sin
separates man from God.
Those who do not OBEY the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will ,
according to 2 thessalonians shall be punished with everlasting
distruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His

John 3:7 says that to be saved we must be born again, we must become
new creatures in christ jesus. the practicing homosexual that wants to
remain a practicing homosexual and still be a Christian is living in
denial because the practicing homosexual is not saved and is not a new
creature in christ jesus, and the only way that he can become a new
creature is to repent and change his mind about the homosexual

Here in Athens, TN we have a local minister who is a practicing
homosexual. Rev. Johnny Hope from restoration Church was right to tell
this practicing homosexual minister who claims to be a Christian that
he is not saved at all. I agree with Rev. Hope, this so called
Christian homosexual minister here in Athens is not saved and is not a
real Christian at all.

Man can only truly be saved by repenting, confessing, and accepting
the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

Christianity is a relationship not a religion. Religion is to bind
back. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus where the concert is
in the process of being sanctified after changing his mind about his
sins. all true Christians are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit does not indwell practicing homosexuals.

DR Michael Schmidt THE loudest trumpet player of all times

2007-06-07 16:07:04 UTC
You are correct Robert, I as a minister must be honest with all of
you, I so very much want to be able to proclaim that I am the best
looking guy in the world, but in order to be truthful I can as an
honest minister only profess to be the best looking fat man alive, and
it is all because of this guy:


Dr. Michael Schmidt: plays the highest notes that have ever been
played on a trumpet

2007-06-07 16:13:40 UTC
I will shed some light on the subject of sin for you .
Bible Babble .
It is a sin to sin . However if you do all is needed to redeem your self and
keep from burning in hell is to confess your sins to a catholic priest or to
jesus or who ever and then you are free to go and do it again !! What a way
of life this is !
I think I will go rape and rob some helpless old ladies and then head off to
church so I can be forgiven !!
This is truely the dumbest bunch of crap camel jockeys have ever spread to
the rest of the world .
Fuck a whore today and be forgiven by night fall ! Do not worry about your
wife, she can only bitch about it , she can not send you to hell . Well
jesus can but he forgave you for be an asshole criminal .
And you can allways stone that wife of yours if she gets too lippy
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2007-06-07 17:20:11 UTC
Post by proudamerican
I will shed some light on the subject of sin for you .
Bible Babble .
It is a sin to sin . However if you do all is needed to redeem your self and
keep from burning in hell is to confess your sins to a catholic priest (A priest can not save you, he is also a sinner, true confession is made unto Jesus, not a Father, if the father wants to truly be saved, he will also have to confess his sins unto Jesus, only Jesus can take our sins away )or to
Jesus (True)or who ever and
then you are free to go and do it again !!

have a license to sin, that is the false belief of antinomianism and
easy believism, both of which are unbiblical.

What a way
Post by proudamerican
of life this is !
Christians do not have a license to sin, they will be judged for
everything that they do after they are saved, they will still be able
to go to heaven when they sin, but they will come under great
judgement for disobedience to God. christians are required to serve
god, that is their duty and their reasonable service.
Post by proudamerican
I think I will go rape and rob some helpless old ladies and then head off to
church so I can be forgiven !!
If a person robs and rapes people and claims to be a Christian , this
person most likely was not truly genuinely saved.

I am not saying that this person was saved, I am saying that i would
bet that he was not, but only God is the judge.
Post by proudamerican
This is truely the dumbest bunch of crap camel jockeys have ever spread to
the rest of the world .
I agree, antinomianism and easy believism are unbiblical.
Post by proudamerican
Fuck a whore today and be forgiven by night fall !
Do not be so sure, Psalm 5:4 says that God is not a God that has
pleasure in wickedness, and that evil does not dwell with God.

satan wants for lost people to believe that they are not going to go
to hell.
But Matthew 7:21 says that "not everyone that says Lord, Lord , shall
enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, only the ones that do the will of
the Father".

Do not worry

If you are an adulterer, rapist or robber, you better worry about your
eternal condition

about your
Post by proudamerican
wife, she can only bitch about it , she can not send you to hell .
But the sin of adultry can
Post by proudamerican
can but he forgave you for be an asshole criminal .
Jesus can forgive anyone, if they repent, confess, and believe in him.
Post by proudamerican
And you can allways stone that wife of yours if she gets too lipp
Not without penalty
Post by proudamerican
Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com
2007-06-07 23:52:45 UTC
On Jun 7, 3:02 pm, Robert DeSavage <allegro69@(nospam)comcast.net>

The whole world has gone to hell in a hand basket where like on Law
and Order the perpetrator / sinner can spill the beans to a priest or
minister and cop a lesser plea. Tell 'em what they want to know, name
names, drop some bread on the collection plate, and they'll reduce
charge. JEEZZ H.
are you asking me if the justice system is always just?
No, it is not always just.
Cops are often more interested in arrest quotas than truth.
Prosecuters seek convictions not truth. Inmates seek only freedom not
correction. Guards and wardens only want a salary. Society wants to
lockum up and throw away the key, not help the convict learn how to
read, get an Education, counseling and a job skill. Lawyers only want
their fees. Prison chaplain jobs are being uliminated left and right.
The justice system is overloaded and inmates are shuffled like

Ministers are building the kingdoms of men, not the Kingdom of God,
they pass the plate for donations to their kingdoms, all the while
they can not tell you the name of two orphans that they know.
Post by proudamerican
Post by proudamerican
I will shed some light on the subject of sin for you .
Bible Babble .
It is a sin to sin . However if you do all is needed to redeem your self and
keep from burning in hell is to confess your sins to a catholic priest (A priest can not save you, he is also a sinner, true confession is made unto Jesus, not a Father, if the father wants to truly be saved, he will also have to confess his sins unto Jesus, only Jesus can take our sins away )or to
Jesus (True)or who ever and
then you are free to go and do it again !!
have a license to sin, that is the false belief of antinomianism and
easy believism, both of which are unbiblical.
The plonk is off today Mikey.
But in answer to your 'above' - SEZ WHO?????
Robert, I am not giving man's opinions, I am only showing what is
written in God's word. I try to give the Bible verses so that ya'll
can look them up for yourself. If you do you will see that I am giving
only God's word, not man's opinion.
There is one book that supercedes the Holy Bible. Within that book is
the Law of the Land
America and its laws were founded upon God's laws, that is why we were
granted certian unalienable/inalienable rights, these are the rights
that are given to us by GOD, not man. Liberals are trying to take GOD
out of all areas of public life, including the law of the land which
was formed from the Bible. Unalienable rights are rights like the
right to life. no judge, who is just a lawyer in a robe, has the right
to take away inalienable rights , such as the right to life, the right
to be born, and the right to liberty and property. These kind of
rights come from God. The US Supreme court wants to abolish these
basic certian inalienable rights.

that may be contrary to your beliefs.
You bet it is, and it is contrary to what this nation was founded as,
ONE NATION UNDER GOD, not one nation under a few lawyers in robes.

Since these
laws are enforced and judgment passed down by people we see with our
own eyes rather than by a being that no one has ever seen,
God may not be seen Robert, but he sure is felt.

YES people
do have a license to 'sin'.
Not without paying the consequences (Unless you are Parris hilton,
If a person sins they have to pay the consequences for their sins, in
this world and in the next world.

Let's not put the cart before the horse
Right, the law of men came after the law of God.
Mans laws are based upon God's laws.
and let the person wearing the black robe take care of business here
on Earth before we prematurely worry about what the man wearing the
white robes MIGHT judge us to be.
Robert, we will face both courts.
What we see on Earth is tangible
while what might be next and unseen remains questionable.
Gods word is a solid rock, yiou can trust in it, it is truth.
We have to pay for our sins when we face the judge in the black robe,
unless you are Parris or OJ, but when we face the King in the white
robe who will sit on the Throne of David (Revelation 20:1-12) , we
should be under the atonment of christ, and allow christs atonement to
pay for our sins because (2 Corinthians 5:21)Christ became sin for
those who repent and confess, Jesus who knew no sin at all, became sin
for us that we might be made righteous before god because of what
Jesus did on the cross.

One more thing Mikey - You are of a mind set that only Christians can
enter Heaven.

I never said that Robert, what I was saying was that many people that
claim to be Christians will not enter heaven.

If that be the case, then I hereby denounce any
connection to Christianity based on the fact that my dear late wife,
Jew (in case that you're not aware of it, is not a Christian) will be
denied that 'paradise'.

Christianity is a Jewish religion Bob. Many Jewish people will be
saved. Many Cristians will be saved. Not everyone that claims to be
Jewish or Cristian will be saved.

my Eternity with? She was a saint and someone much more worthy of an
eternal paradise than a bunch of 'Christian' holier than thou's.

Good Works can not save anyone, see Ephesians 2:8-9
We are saved by GRACE thru faith , and not of works, salvation is a
free gift of God

there's a Hell, it's the Christian heaven that you hypocrites you
yourself have so defined and built. Stick your Christian 'heaven' up
your ass with a big AMEN!!!!!!
Bob, were you to spend some time in Hell like the rich young ruler
did, you would beg for heaven.

Dr. Mikey Schmidt Trumpet high notes? Dr. Michael Schmidt of the
Trumpet of the Lord in athens TN has your trumpet high notes baby!

2007-06-09 16:26:47 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Christianity is a Jewish religion Bob.
A spin off of Judaism yes - BUT....
The all-important difference between Christianity and Judaism is the
Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the
fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah
Robert, a close intelligent analytical study of the Old Testament will
clearly show that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he fulfilled ever
prophecy. The Old Testament is a book that tells about Jesus, if you
know how to find him there. A Jewish person who accepts Christ as his
savior is still a Jew, Jesus is the Jewish messiah.Israel is Jesus
chosen race. The first Christians were almost all Jewish, and the
early Jews were surprised that Gentiles could become Christians.
A good Christian loves the Jews. Traditions are good, but good works
and good traditions can not save you. The Jews have ALWAYS taught that
atonement is thru the blood.
Isaiah 7:14 says "therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign;
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His
name Immanuel (God is with us). you can see the fulfillment of this in
Matthew(Who was a Jew) 1:20-25.
Savior. Judaism often recognizes Jesus as a good teacher, and perhaps
even a prophet of God. Judaism does not believe that Jesus was the

Taking it a step further, Christianity teaches that Jesus was
God in the flesh. Christianity teaches that God became a human being
in the Person of Jesus Christ so He could lay down His life to pay the
price for our sins. Judaism strongly denies that Jesus was God or that
such a sacrifice was necessary
.Read Micah 5:2 and Isaiah 53, both of which are OT passages
predicting Jesus, the true messiah.
So who's right and who's wrong Mikey?
God's word is truth.

Psalm 14:1 says that "The fool says in his heart that there is no

Creation demands a CREATOR


Talk about Science...

Which is more scientific, the TRUTH that life can only come from life,
which is demonstrated with observation via the scientific method, or
the LIE of evolution, that life was formed from non life?

there is ZERO, ZILCH evidence that poof, out of nowhere, non life
produced life

mix non life in a bowl forever, throw in an infinite amount of non
life into it, take as long as you would like, that non life will never
turn into life

In case this can not be
determined, let all the religious fanatics and their puppets continue
the wars that have gone on for thousands of years without any hint of
resolution. Meanwhile, I'll consider MY religion the TRUE religion.
existential pragmatism?
other words my religion being to not consider myself to be of any
recognizable denomination.
Denominational-ism can not save you, a church can not save you, church
membership can not save you.

DR Michael Schmidt THE loudest trumpet player of all times
2007-06-10 00:29:59 UTC
Then how did Adam and Eve get here?

they were created by life, by God, a person who is alive.

Science PROVES the reality of the
Big Bang

the "Big Bang" is just a theory accepted by faith not fact, and the
Big Bang does NOT prove the origin of matter, kinetic energy, life

where all that lies within the Universe sprang from something
less in size than a grain of sand.
Wow, that foolishness would take a lot of faith to believe, that all
matter came from something that small, that life came from non life,
talk about fiction that is accepted by faith

Life in any form essentially fell
from the 'sky'.

Science can prove no such thing

Believe what you want as I will believe what I want.
While the Holy Bible is a great work, it's not enough to convince me
of anything concrete, whereas science offers a multitude of pure

the bible is logical, read issues of science and religion by Ian
barbour, and scaling the secular city by jp moreland

that makes more sense than a bunch of mumbo jumbo put down on paper

the bible claims apriori to have been written by GOD, see 2 Timothy

who are identical in structure to their scientist counterparts.
I'll take my chances being the way I am here on Earth and worry about
what comes next when it happens with the notion that a bird in the
hand is better than two birds in a bush.

WHAT real hope does SCIENCE and Agnosticism offer you Bob?


God is your only hope, the only chance you will ever have to see your
wife again, to live an eternal life.


2007-06-10 18:30:43 UTC
Robert said:
Some biblicist you are where although you quote all kinds of chapter
and verse, you can't even call this book by it's proper title as
on the covers of each of the books that I own. I will spell it out
S-L-O-W-L-Y so that you can better absorb. It's titled the HOLY
If you must teach us 'sinners' the evils of our ways, can you at
(as with music) play it RIGHT - starting from the TOP ????

Robert the word Bible is the word for BOOK. I am almost certian that
the word "Holy" was added to the title of the original Bible, but I
will need to research the tradition of when and where "Holy" was
added(Post Vulgate era???)

robert, i believe that the Bible is HOLY, but i do not feel the need
to use the title HOLY every time that i use the word bible, just as i
do not feel that is is disrespectful to call The Lord Jesus Christ -

It is not disrespectful to call the "Holy Bible" a Bible.

Robert said" I prefer to believe the scientific explanation "

Robert, I asked you to read Barbour and Morland. Had you done this,
you would be able to see that there are scientists who are both
evolutionists(macro) and creationists. Many Christian scientists
believe in the day age theory, others believe in the gap theory, and
there are also people who are theistic evolutionists(macro).

Mikey Schmidt



Subtitle: Christian mathematician Ivan Panin proves the Bible Is
Divinely Inspired Using the Incontrovertible Science of Mathematics
and Its Corollary Study, Laws of Probabilities
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what
this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually
implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the
same way again.



Truly, the vast majority of people are discovering new reasons to
doubt the existence of God and of His Holy Word, the Bible. Liberal
"Christian" churches are leading the charge to cast serious doubt upon
God's existence, His Eternity, His Omipotence, His Omniscience, and
His Word -- more commonly called the Bible.

Colleges and universities are also leading the charge in casting doubt
of these matters in the minds of their young pupils. Of course, by
the time our young people reach college, they have already been pre-
programmed to disbelieve in God and His Bible. Truly, we have never
seen such an instance of such widespread dis-belief in the God of the

But, God will not allow Himself to be sneered at, nor will He allow
Himself to be without witness in this world. Therefore, we see that
leading edge sciences such as Genetics is casting all theories of
Evolution out the window, while other scientific discoveries showing
the Bible to be right whenever it speaks to a scientific issue.

Now, God has spoken through a Christian mathematician, Ivan Panin.
Panin proves the validity of God's Divine Inspiration of the
Scriptures using Mathematics and its corollary study, Laws of
Probabilities. In this article, we shall allow Mr. Panin to
demonstrate scientifically how man can know for sure that the Bible is
Divinely inspired. We encourage you to read this material all the way
through, for you will be shocked. We will be quoting from Ivan Panin's
book, "Verbal Inspiration of the Bible Scientifically Demonstrated".

God is truly right when He said, through the Apostle Paul: "For the
invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal
power and Godhead ..." [Romans 1:20] You will see God through
mathematics, and you will truly appreciate the fact that our God is
THE Master Mathematician in all the universe.

Mr. Panin clearly demonstrated that the numerics upon which the Bible
is constructed proves design -- an elaborate design. And, where you
have an elaborate design, you must have a sophisticated Designer.
"The Bible numerics of the Scripture ... are only discovered by
scientific and scholarly investigation: like the arithmetic of the
musical scale of the human voice; like the arithmetic of the solar
system; like the arithmetic arrangement of chemical atoms in the
molecule. The discovery of this wonderful distribution of arithmetic
in the phenomena of nature has been a great factor in the overthrow of
atheism, which has been so complete that atheists are now rare;
agnosticism being the present day refuge of the opposers of a
God." [p. 22]

This same argument can be made against the proponents of Evolution.
Science generally, and Genetics specifically, absolutely demolish the
arguments of the proponents of Evolution. The ridiculous theory of
Evolution simply will not stand up to any degree of honest
investigation, whether slight or great. Truly, God will never allow
himself to be without a powerful witness in the world.

As Panin discovered that both Hebrew [Old Testament] and Greek [New
Testament] books of the Bible were constructed according to the same
heptadic [7's] structure, he thought it best to check with Greek
scholars to see if Greek itself might be so constructed. Panin said:
"We once requested a professor of Greek to take some Greek prose
classic and ascertain if he could make Panin's theory work on it. But
we have not heard from him on the subject." [Ibid.]

Truly, God miraculously constructed His Bible based upon the structure
of '7', multiples of '7', and extensions of '7' like the number
'11' [7 + 4]. ALL the authors of the Bible demonstrate this heptadic
structure, from Moses to the last Apostle to whom a book was revealed,
which is the Apostle John. This writing occurred over a period of
almost 1,700 years, through about 60 authors, and yet the same
miraculous heptadic [7's]structure prevails!

In Psalm 110, Panin discovered that the number of Hebrew words in this
Psalm is '63', which is 9 x 7 or '9 sevens'. Then, he proceeded to
uncover thirteen more features of 7 within this one little Psalm.
Using the Laws of Probabilities, we discover that "the chance for even
these 14 features of sevens being accidental, undesigned, is only one
is sevn multiplied by itself 14 times: one in 678,223,072,849, or
less than one is some two thirds of a million millions ... not a
paragraph in the whole Bible .. is constructed similarly; its
accounts for the presence of these phenomena in the Bible." [Ibid., p
13; Emphasis in the original]

Now, let us examine some of the evidence Panin put togther. The
information below is but a small culling of the information in this 94-
page book. Further, Mr. Panin wrote volumes of work, in which he
demonstrated the heptadic structure of the Bible, verse by verse and
section by section.


God has decreed in His Scripture that the Number 7 is His number of
perfection. Man is God's highest earthly creation, to whom God has
assigned the number 6, one less than perfection. The highest man in
all history will be the Antichrist, to whom God has assigned the
triple intensification number, '666'.

Conversely, Jesus the Messiah is considered above creation, even above
Perfection, which is why His Name equals '888' in the numerology of
the Greek.

However, for the basis of our study in this article, God considers the
number '7' to be His number of absolute, complete perfection.
Therefore, we should not be surprised to learn that God has built His
Bible upon: the foundation of '7', multiples of '7', and extensions of
'7'. We shall study both God's original organization of Scripture,
the organization of books, names of people, and specific instances,
all based upon '7' and multiples of '7'. An 'extension' of the number
'7' is demonstrated in the two instances below:

* God has also built much of His Word upon the number '11', which is
an extension of '7', in that it is derived from adding God's perfect
number -- '7' -- to the number of His created world -- '4' -- to reach
11. The number '4' is God's created world -- we have 4 directions,
and 4 seasons throughout the year.

* God also uses the number '13' in His Scriptures. Thirteen is
gained by adding God's number of perfection -- '7' -- to the number of
man -- '6' -- to reach thirteen. Thirteen is also assigned to Satan
and his rebellion. We shall not examine instances of the usage of '13'
in Scripture, although Mr. Panin does in his book, quoted above.

Let us now look at the way in which the Bible is created on the basis
of 7 and 11; but, before we can proceed, we need to understand that
the organization of the books of our Bible today is not the original
way in which they were organized. We are not sure of the exact time
in which the organization was changed, but we can be sure that, when
they were changed, Satan was able to immediately hide much of God's
Numerics which underly the organization of the Bible.


Genesis 40. Matthew
Exodus 41. Mark
Leviticus 42. Luke
Numbers 43. John
Deuteronomy 44. The Acts
Joshua 45. James
Judges 46. 1 Peter
1 Samuel 47. 2 Peter
2 Samuel 48. 1 John
1 Kings 49. 2 John
2 Kings 50. 3 John
Isaiah 51. Jude
Jeremiah 52. Romans
Ezekiel 53. 1 Corinthians
Hosea 54. 2 Corinthians
Joel 55. Galatians
Amos 56. Ephesians
Obadiah 57. Philippians
Jonah 58. Colossians
Micah 59. 1 Thessalonians
Nahum 60. 2 Thessalonians
Habakkuk 61. Hebrews
Zephaniah 62. 1 Timothy
Haggai 63. 2 Timothy
Zechariah 64. Titus
Malachi 65. Philemon
Psalms 66. Revelation
Song of Songs -- Song of Solomon
Ruth ]
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
You will discover that God placed much of His numerics within this
original line-up of Books. When you see references to the Number of
the Book, you will know Panin is speaking of the number of the Book
according to the above list. Therefore, 2 Chronicles is Book 39 - and
has a value of 39 - instead of Malachi.

The last thing you need to understand before we get into our study is
that the Hebrew and Greek languages differed from English in that each
of their basic letters was assigned a numeric value.

The languages of the Bible, the Hebrew and the Greek, have no separate
signs for numbers, like our [Arabic] figures, 1, 2, 3, etc. The
letters of the alphabet are used instead, and each letter is also a
number, called its Numeric Value. The sum of the Numeric Values of its
letters is the Numeric Value of the word of which it is made up. Each
Hebrew or Greek word is thus a sum in arithmetic as well as a word.
Thus, the Hebrew Jehovah has 26 for its Numeric Value; the Greek
Iesous, Jesus, has 888.

The numeric values of the names of the persons to whom the Bible books
ascribe themselves are:
















This total number, 7,931, is 11 x 721. Or, to look at it another way,
7,931 is 7 x 1133. You see many instances throughout Scripture where
God arranges numbers in such a way as to have double fulfillment, just
as He does in many prophecies.

Now, let us examine the way in which God has written and organized His
Word in such mathematic precision as to absolutely prove His existence
and His Divine inspiration of the Holy Bible. Truly, you will agree
with David in the Psalms when he exclaims that God is too high for him
to understand Him!


Bible divided into 7 great divisions

Genesis [1] to Deuteronomy [5] -- Law
Joshua [6] to Malachi [26] -- Prophets
Psalms [27] to 2 Chronicles [39] -- Writings
Matthew [40] to John [43] -- Gospels
Acts to Acts [44] -- Acts
James [45] to Philemon [65] -- Epistles
Revelation to Revelation [66] -- Revelation
* Add up the order number of these books and you get 407 which is 37 x
11. The number of God is 37 and/or multiples thereof.

Prophets and Epistles have 21 books each or 3 x 7

Epistles are divided thusly:

Pauline Epistles total 14, or 2 x 7
Non-Pauline writers total 7
Seven (7) Epistles are address to, or connected with, churches
Fourteen (14) Epistles are not addressed to, or connected with,
churches 2 x 7
Paul's epistles that are specifically addressed are as follows
To individuals: Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Christian bodies: Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians [7 church bodies]
The total order numbers of the above books equals 504, or 72 x 7

In seven (7) Epistles, Paul mentioned associates expressly by name
with him in the address: 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians,
1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon. The order number of these Epistles
is: 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65 = 406 or 58 x 7

In 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Paul mentions two person instead of only
one, as in the other 7 Epistles; the order number of these two books
is 119, or 17 x 7

Only in Galatians does Paul mention associates that are with him,
without naming them. Galatians is Order Number 55, which is 5 x 11

However, Galatians is a neighbor of Book Number 56, which is 8 x 7

Paul mentions three associates in the addresses of his Epistles:
Silvanus [Silas], Sosthenes, Timothy. Their names occur in the New
Testament, respectively, 16, 2, 24 times, for a total of 42 times, or
6 x 7.

Of the 66 total books of the Bible, every 11th number is: 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66. Their sum is 231, or 33 x 7. It is also 21 x 11.

Old Testament writers named in the Bible as authors of special books
are: Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the 12 Minor Prophets, David,
Solomon, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah -- 21 total, which is 3 x 7.

The names of these seven writers occur in the Old Testament 2,310
times, 330 x 7.

Of these 2,310 occurrences, writer whose name occurs most, David,
1,134, or 162 x 7.

Old Testament books belonging to expressly named authors of more than
one book are: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Song
of Solomon, Ecclesiastes: 7 in number. The sum of their order numbers
is 105, or 15 x 7.

Of this above number, Moses has 14, 2 x 7; Solomon has 91, 13 x 7.

New Testament writers occur thusly: James [Jacob in Greek] is found in
11 books, Peter found in 8, Jude in 8, Paul in 15, John in 7; in all,
49 or 7 x 7.

The order numbers of these books are 45-47, 51-65, with their sum
1008, or 144 x 7.

Numeric values of which Old Testament begins and ends -- B'RAYSHITH
and V'YAAL -- are 913 and 116, respectively. Their sum is 21, or 3 x
7. [Adding 9+1+3+1+1+6= 21]< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>< /P>

These two words occur in 42 books [6 x7] and the sum of the book's
order numbers is 1,575, or 225 x 7.

The total sum of the Old Testament book's order numbers is 77, or 11 x

Every 7th N.T. book is: 1 Peter, 1 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians.
Numeric values of their authors are 755, 781, 781. Sum of these
figures is 49, or 7 x 7.

First verse of Genesis is seven (7) Hebrew words and 28 [4 x 7]
letters [Heptadic structure ]

Story of the birth of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:18-25, has 77 words , 11
x 7

Story of John Baptist in Mark 1:1-8 has 77 words , 11 x 7

Story of the first church deacons in Acts 6:1-7 has 77 words , 11 x 7

The story of the Birth of Jesus Christ in Matt 1:18-25 is good example
of using numerics to prove or disprove textual differences. The number
of words in verses 18-25 are 161, or 23 x 7; their Greek vocabulary
has 77 words, or 11 x 7; their forms have 105, or 15 x 7; the numeric
value of the entire passage is a multiple of seven. But, if you omit
the name of "Jesus" from this section -- as the Roman Catholic
Communion does -- the entire numeric pattern is totally destroyed.
[Heptadic structure ]

Numerics can settle questions of interpretation. In Luke 23:43, some
modern versions have placed a comma after the word, 'today', implying
that Jesus' was telling the thief he was speaking to him "today".
Place the comma before the word, 'today' and the meaning changes
dramatically. With the comma before the word, 'today', the heptadic
[7] numeric structure holds perfectly; however, if you place the comma
after 'today', all the heptadic numeric structure disappears, every
bit of it.

What did Jesus say? " For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till
all be fulfilled." [Matt 5:18]

Numeric structure can even correct spelling errors found in
manuscripts. If the word is mis-spelled in a copy in the original
Greek or Hebrew, the numeric structure is destroyed.

"So frequent is the number 7 that its presence anywhere may be taken
as a signal that elaborate Numerics are about", p. 81.

The sidereal year of the Earth is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9
seconds, or 31,558,149 seconds, which is 4,508,307 x 7.

Mercury turns on its axis in 86,730 seconds, which is 12,390 x 7.

The diameter of the Moon is 2,163 miles which is 309 x 7.

The mean diameter of the earth is 7917 miles which is 1131 x 7.

The diameter of Venus is 7630 miles, which is 1090 x 7.

The diameter of Mars is 4998, which is 714 x 7.

The diameter of Jupiter is 89,769, and of Saturn is 73,044. Added
together, they equal 162,813 miles which is 23,259 x 7. Jupiter turns
on its axis in 35,721 seconds, which is 5103 x 7.

The Moon is the sole satellite of Earth. Added together, the sum of
their diameters is 10,080 miles, which is 1440 x 7. This would not be
notable, except that the interval between the Temple dedication in
3024 and the Crucifixion in 4032 is 1008 years.

Further, the Numeric Value of 'Aaron' in Greek is 1008, or 144 x 7.
This is the first earthly high priest, with his access behind the veil
-- the type of the One Heavenly High Priest now within the Veil for
His people [Jesus Christ].

Now, let us examine some of the instances where the Bible is either
based upon '11' or its organization is so based.


The order of the books of the Bible, where Genesis equals 1 and
Revelation equals 66, is 2,211, which is 201 x 11

Number of Books of the Bible is 66 which is 6 x 11

Number of Books with Anonymous Authors is 22 or 2 x 11

Number of Books with Specified Authors is 44, or 4 x 11

Of the 44 Specified Authors, number of writers of more than one book
is 22 or 2 x 11

Of the 44 Specified Authors, number of writers of only one book is 22
or 2 x 11

Number of Epistolary Books is 33 or 3 x 11. (Books either are letters
written to individuals or churches or which contain letters)

Books divided in Seven Divisions

First five divisions total 44 books or 4 x 11
Last two divisions total 22 books or 2 x 11

Purely Narrative Books of the Bible

Genesis through 2 Kings equals 11 books
Esther through Acts purely narrative and equal 11

Not Purely Narrative

Isaiah to Ecclesiastes are purely prophetic and equal 22 books or 2 x

Order Numbers of the Epistles equals 1,155, or 105 x 11

Order Numbers of the Non-Epistles equals 1,056 or 96 x 11

Adding up the order numbers of the 7 Great Bible Divisions equals 407,
which is 37x11

Seven (7) Persons are named in New Testament as writers of Old
Testament books. These writers have the following order numbers for
their books:

Moses -- 2, 3, 4, 5
Isaiah -- 12
Jeremiah 13
Hosea -- 15
Joel -- 16
David -- 27
Daniel -- 35
The sum of these order numbers is: 132 or 12 x 11

Five (5) authors named as such in the New Testament: James, Peter,
Jude, Paul, John. The names of these 12 Bible writers named in the New
Testament occur in the total Bible 2,871 times or 261 x 11.

Two (2) Persons whose names occur in the New Testament, but not as Old
Testament writers are Jonah and Solomon. Jonah wrote book #19; Solomon
wrote Book Numbers 28, 30, 33. Add these order numbers together and
you get 110 which is 10 x 11.

Of this figure, Old Testament writers are mentioned in the whole Bible
2,310 times or 210 x 11

New Testament writers are mentioned a total of 561 times, or 51 x 11

Moses, the first Bible writer, is mention ed 847 times, or 121 x 11

The seven (7) Old Testament writers occur in the following books:

Moses is found in 31 books
Isaiah is found in 12 books
Jeremiah is found in 8 books
Hosea is found in 7 books
Joel is found in 7 books
Daniel is found in 6 books
David is found in 28 books
The sum of these occurrences is 99 or 9 x 11

The sum of the First, the Middle [4] and the Last [7] equals 66 or 6 x

The sum of the rest [2], [3], [5], and [6] equals 33 or 3 x 11

The name of Moses occurs 847 times. In some books, it occurs more than
100 times; in some books, its occurrence takes on two digits to
express it, i.e., Joshua, 58 times; In Revelation, Moses is only
mentioned once. Thus, the entire sequence of 11's would have failed
had Moses' name not been mentioned this one time. Moses' birth to
Revelation is 1,666 years, from 1571 B.C. to 95 A.D. a time period of
238 x 7. Number 238 itself is 34 x 7

Moses is mentioned once in 21 books for a total of 77 times -- 7 x 11.

Moses is mentioned more than once 10 books for a total of 770 times --
11 x 7 x 10

Non-Epistle books mention Moses 825 times, or 75 x 11

Epistle books mention Moses 22 times, or 2 x 11

Of the 66 total books of the Bible, every 11th number is: 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66. Their sum is 231, or 21 x 11. It is also 33 x 7.

The Numeric Values of the authors of Scripture is, 7,931, or 11 x 721.
Or, to look at it another way, 7,931 is 7 x 1133. You see many
instances throughout Scripture where God arranges numbers in such a
way as to have double fulfillment, just as He does in many prophecies.
[See above table of the order values of the Books of the Bible]

The first writers of the 7 Bible Divisions are: Moses, Isaiah, David,
James, John. Their total numeric values are 2,662, or 11 x 242.

Bible begins with B'RAYSHITH -- In the beginning; it ends in Greek
with HAGIOHN. The instances of the two appearing in Scripture is 286
times, or 11 x 26.

Numeric value of B'RAYSHITH is 913, which is 11 x 83.

The total sum of the Old Testament book's order numbers is 77, or 11 x

Bible data give eight dates as ending the great Periods of its

1. Adam to Flood to Year 1656

2. Flood to First Covenant 2107

3. Covenant to Exodus 2537

4. Exodus to First Temple 3017

5. Temple to Captivity 3446

6. Captivity to Restoration 3516

7. Restoration to Jesus' birth 3999

8. Birth of Jesus Christ to the Cross 4032

The sum of these dates is 24,310, or 11 x 2210

In determining these dates, every passage bearing on this subject was
studied. There are 245 dates that are obtainable only from the Bible.
The number, 245, is 35 x 7.

As we show above, these 8 major dates added together equals 24,310, or
11 x 2210. However, the numbers occupying the odd places, 1, 3, 5, 7,
9 equal 11,638, or 1058 x 11. The numbers occupying the even places
equal 12,672, or 1152 x 11.

The number of the books of the Bible -- added together -- equals 2211,
which is 201 x 11.

This equation may also be expressed as 11 x 67 x 3. Similarly, the
days of other planets, i.e., Earth, Mars, four moons of Jupiter, and
Venus all have the number '67' in their equations as well. This leads
Panin to say that, "the number of the books in the Bible may have thus
been planned with special reference to the distances of the planets
from the Sun!" [p. 88]

After giving numerous additional examples of the same Bible Numerics
found in Astronomical data , Panin declares: "... the enumeration of
the Astronomic relations so far given is only a mere earnest of
teeming multitudes & The Architect of the Heavens is in every detail
not only the Writer, but also Artificer of His Book, which is an
Edifice as well as a book: a Temple in fact, made indeed with hands,
but also without. The heavens do, indeed, declare the Glory of God.
But the writer [Panin] deems himself specially blessed in its being
given him (unworthy of the least of His mercies) to be the one to
point out that in precisely the same manner, with the selfsame numbers
even, does the Bible also declare the glory of God." [p. 92]

The number of the vibrations of the air in Middle 'C' is 264, or 24 x

The intervals between the notes of the musical scale is always in
multiples of 11.

We hope this little study has given you a scientific basis for your
belief in the Divine Authorship of the Holy Bible. In today's
doubting world, the average person needs to understand the scientific
validity underlying all of Scripture. We have printed articles in
which we have demonstrated that, when God chooses to reveal scientific
truth in Scripture, He is always correct. Now, we demonstrate that
God has chosen to create His Bible on the basis of mathematics. What
a wonderful God we serve!

The time is coming when our faith will be tested by the mighty winds
of Satan, blowing straight out of the Pit of Hell, all in support of
his man, Antichrist. Many of us also may also be called to go through
the fires of martyrdom for our faith in Jesus Christ. Now, you have a
huge edge on all the Christian martyrs who have gone before you; now,
you have scientific proof that God exists, that He wrote His wonderful
Word, and that anyone can see the evidence of the wonderful
mathematics for himself.

Truly, the end is coming, but we now have scientific evidence of
Divine Authorship of the Scriptures.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately
protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to
enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you
develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have
been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to
open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able
to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a
result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many
souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have
been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to
immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly
forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to
accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the
privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are
spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were
already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. "
2007-06-10 18:33:56 UTC
Robert, there are two sides to this issue, here are some very
intelligent Christian apologists:

2007-06-10 19:27:49 UTC
Psalm 14;1
1THE [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They
are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds; there is none that does
good or right.
2007-06-12 23:24:46 UTC
Leviticus 18: 22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
2007-06-12 23:48:57 UTC
Thou shalt not post off-topic drivel in RMMT or be cast as an asshole

-- JH
2007-06-13 17:39:48 UTC
Post by Jeff
Thou shalt not post off-topic drivel in RMMT or be cast as an asshole
-- JH
Well, if it isn't Smelly # 2 (Jeff Helgesen)who took a strand in RMMT
about playing taps at military funerals off topic this very week with
his personal attacks against me, complaining about people posting off
topic drivel in RMMT.

Pot, kettle, black.

Jason P claims that smelly # 2 is Nomine # 2, and I am starting to
wonder if Jason was right about that.

2007-06-13 17:51:54 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Well, if it isn't Smelly # 2 (Jeff Helgesen)who took a strand in RMMT
about playing taps at military funerals off topic this very week with
his personal attacks against me, complaining about people posting off
topic drivel in RMMT.
Oh contraire, reread the thread, bonehead.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Jason P claims that smelly # 2 is Nomine # 2, and I am starting to
wonder if Jason was right about that.
Let me guess, Jason P is attached to your right forearm and is wearing
a gym sock.
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-13 23:28:42 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Post by Jeff
Thou shalt not post off-topic drivel in RMMT or be cast as an asshole
-- JH
Well, if it isn't Smelly # 2 (Jeff Helgesen)who took a strand in RMMT
about playing taps at military funerals off topic this very week with
his personal attacks against me, complaining about people posting off
topic drivel in RMMT.
Pot, kettle, black.
Jason P claims that smelly # 2 is Nomine # 2, and I am starting to
wonder if Jason was right about that.
Jason? You mean the fat fuck you see in the mirror?
Other than about ten post on May 31, I've been the
only "Nomine" around here. And those posts were made
by the "fake Nomine," which was YOU, Howdy BABY!

I'm not any of the people that you guessed. Even though
you claimed that you know who I am. You said you had
informants. I guess the "informants" were the sock on
your left hand and the one on the right. No, everytime
you accuse anyone of being Nomine # whateverthefuck,
you show how totally clueless you are. The answer was
served to you on a silver platter, and a few days later
your nose was rubbed in it, but it went right in one
ear and out your asshole.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Fixed your sig you, Queen Howdy.
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-13 01:33:37 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Leviticus 18: 22
Thou shalt not lie
2007-06-01 11:54:27 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Demonizing anyone who preaches what is in the real Bible and thus
preaches against the wicked perverse anti-godly debauchery of sodomy,
Another tactic of the pro homosexual agenda Brian.
That's as maybe. I just want you to know that we don't think any less
of you now that you've had the courage to admit to your true sexual
Jim Blansett
2007-05-31 20:03:02 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Mikey is NOT a homosexual Brian . It is part of the pro homosexuals
plan to try and make every good God fearing minister who actually
follows the bible out to be a homosexual.
The Real Doctor Nomine
Damn, Howdy, it's been a while since you've posted from this IP. Did
you get your bill all payed up?
2007-05-31 13:02:18 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
Again folks you see the pro homosexual pro abort crowd trying there
best to try and make me look gay, because there agenda is to try and
make all cowboys look gay.
How sad.
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt
If your church supports abortion or the homosexual agenda, please do
NOT call here looking to book us to come and minister to you.
I hate to be the one to tell you this Rev DooKKKie, but it's not the
clothes that look gay.
2007-05-31 13:49:38 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
I especially like the hubcap-sized belt buckle Rev Dookkkie. Did you
win that at Jesus Camp? Or are you the WWE Champion?
2007-05-31 14:01:03 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
I especially like the hubcap-sized belt buckle Rev Dookkkie. Did you
win that at Jesus Camp? Or are you the WWE Champion?
That's his AUK award.
2007-05-31 18:05:22 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
I especially like the hubcap-sized belt buckle Rev Dookkkie. Did you
win that at Jesus Camp? Or are you the WWE Champion?
Better watch out or Mikey will body slam you Jeff.


Doctor Nomine
2007-05-31 18:42:34 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Post by Jazzycat1
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
I especially like the hubcap-sized belt buckle Rev Dookkkie. Did you
win that at Jesus Camp? Or are you the WWE Champion?
Better watch out or Mikey will body slam you Jeff.
Doctor Nomine
Fuck off Howdy! :-)
2007-05-31 19:16:59 UTC
On May 31, 2:42 pm, Jazzycat1 <***@msn.com> wrote:
I am not jason, and besides, I no longer use the name "howdy"

2007-05-31 23:02:50 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I am not jason, and besides, I no longer use the name "howdy"
OK - So fuck off Howdy!!!!!!!! :-)
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 02:04:17 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I am not jason, and besides, I no longer use the name "howdy"
Jason, Howdy, Mikey, Frankie, Doookkkkie, your name is
legion. It doesn't matter what name you use, you're still
a gay kkkowboy. A gay bottom kkkowboy.
2007-06-07 02:22:02 UTC
I know that you've probably heard this before, and rejected it, because
"the Bible tells you so" but here it is again,
Homosexuals don't choose to be attracted to people of the same sex
That is a complete lie, each person chooses what they do and do not
like, that is why we are called INDIVIDUAL, were you to buy your
logic, you would also be forced to believe that robbers are not
choosing to steal, murderers do not choose to kill, and
do not choose to be attractd to children and rapists do not choose to
be attracted to the ones that they rape.

, any
more than you and I choose to be attracted to women.
Not true, many MEN have gotten SAVEd, and then they CHOSe to be
attracted to women, and they have never gone back to their former
deviant homosexual lifestyle.

It's part of who
they are
They CHOOSe to be who they are, everything that an individual does is
a choice

, and that's all there is to it.

That is all that is to your deception of free moral agency.

Do you think they'd choose to
put up with all the crap they have to take from fundamentalists like
yourself just for sex?
I am an evangelical, I no longer accept the title of fundimentalist,
am a biblicist and an evangelical.
Did God make them that way?
God made them free moral agents, they are free to do what is right ,
or to do what is wrong. homosexuality is not the only sexual sin,
those who CHOOSe to commit adultry are also guilty of choosing to do
something that is wrong.

Did Satan change them to be that way?

Satan can not make anyone do anything.I do believe that Sa Tan
deceives and influences and at times even posesses people.

are they damaged in some way?
I would not call homosexuals "damaged", I would call them sinners.

I don't know. I don't really care. But
that's the way they are, and there's strong evidence that most of them
cannot change to be heterosexual, even if they really really want to.
Not unless they genuinely are saved, if they repent , confess and
from their homosexual life, they can become a hetrosexual, it is
So why would God allow them to be this way, and then send them to Hell
just for being who they are?
Christ has made for them a complete payment for their sins, including
the sins of the homosexual lifestyle, and if they repent Christ
them His righteousness.

Sorry, I don't care what the Bible says
about this, that's just stupid.
the bible says that He(god) hath made Him (Christ)to be sin for us,
for all of us, homosexuals and hetrosexuals alike. Jesus knew no sin,
that we might be made the righteousness of god in him(2 Corinthians

My God doesn't do stupid things.
God can not dwell with sin. God requires a payment for sin, the wages
of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life that comes thru
belief in christ Jesus. all sinners must be redeemed, not just the
homosexual sinners.
Like I said, you probably have your mind closed on this subject
I am never closed minded about anything, my theology is far from hard
shell theology.

, but
there it is. Several decades ago, we had this same debate about racism.
All races need atonement.
There are still people out there who believe that people of other
races are inferior
I do not.
, but thank God public opinion has turned against
them, and for the most part they've shut up, maybe someday the same
thing will happen in this case.
God's word is clear that homosexuality is a sin that people choose to
do, just like rape , incest, and murder. homosexuals are not born
way, but rather some at a young age choose to reject god's way of
fidelity and hetrosexuality.
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-07 03:03:15 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I know that you've probably heard this before, and rejected it, because
"the Bible tells you so" but here it is again,
Homosexuals don't choose to be attracted to people of the same sex
That is a complete lie,
No, your whole post is a Big Lie.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Not true, many MEN have gotten SAVEd, and then they CHOSe to be
attracted to women, and they have never gone back to their former
deviant homosexual lifestyle.
More lies.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
They CHOOSe to be who they are, everything that an individual does is
a choice
, and that's all there is to it.
So you "CHOSe" [sic] to invent lies about another trumpet
player an repeat them numerous times on Usenet? You "CHOSe"
to misrepresent your credentials and your little fake
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I am an evangelical, I no longer accept the title of fundimentalist,
am a biblicist and an evangelical.
You are a fundie. It makes no difference whether you
accept the title. You choose to be a fundamentalist.
You choose to be a liar. You choose to be fat. You
choose to have MD. You choose to wear women's clothing.
You choose to sound like crap on a trumpet.

YOU ARE A FUNDAMENTALIST! Stop lying about it. You,
Falwell, bin-Laden, you're all fundies. If you don't
want to be called a fundie, then stop spewing fundie
lies and hate speech.
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 02:04:09 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Post by Jazzycat1
Post by d***@yahoo.com
There is NOTHING about it that looks gay.
I especially like the hubcap-sized belt buckle Rev Dookkkie. Did you
win that at Jesus Camp? Or are you the WWE Champion?
Better watch out or Mikey will body slam you Jeff.
Hi Howdy, baby, making idle threats? We all know that
you'd love a roll in the hay with Jeff, but you should
stick to rolling in the hay with other gay KKKowboys
like yourself. And we know who'd be doing the slamming,
and who would be getting slammed, and it's a sure thing
that you won't be slamming anyone. You're too fat, weak,
and stupid. Slamming your own ham is about as close as
you'll ever get.
Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 23:33:38 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Then WHY - OH WHY - Dr. Dookie, do you look so very, very GAY?- Hide
quoted text -
Folks, here you see an example of how the pro abort - pro homo crowd
attacks a minister because of his biblical stance. The pro homosexual
agenda has put the AMERICAN COWBOY under attack. Remember how pro
homosexual Hollywood recently produced a gay cowboy movie. Because the
American Cowboy is a symbol of masculinity and heterosexuality , the
homosexual crowd has done there best to try and make the American
Cowboy gay. Because I look like an American Cowboy, the pro homosexual
crowd is trying to make me out to look gay, which I do not. I am proud
of my image, and as a heterosexual minister I am proud of the fact
that my image consultant Steven Houser has given he the look of the
It's OK, Howdy, you don't have to give the Wikipedia link.
We know who John Wayne (real name "Marion") and Gene Autry
were. Autry was never a cowboy. He was a singer and an
actor, and you look nothing like him. He wasn't short, fat,
and stupid looking.

But since you're living in a cowboy fantasy world, what about
Gene Autry's "Cowboy Code"? If you admire cowboy Autry, why are
you so disrespectful of the Cowboy Code?

3. [The Cowboy] must always tell the truth.

So why do you continue to lie about some fake emails that
you say someone sent you? Everyone knows it's a lie. Nobody
believes you. You refuse to provide any evidence of the email,
and everyone knows why. Because you're a liar. You're a
disgrace, and you can't live up to Gene Autry's Cowboy Code.

5. He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant

you definitely espouse religiously intolerant ideas. Let's see,
by my latest count, You have publicly made hate-speech statements
showing your intolerance and hatred of Roman Catholics, Jews, Muslims,
Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Pagans, more. And your racial intolerance
is also clear, with your hate speech against both African Americans
and Black Africans. You advocate and possess both racially and
religiously intolerant ideas. You're no cowboy.

8. He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and
personal habits.

So how clean was your hate-speech about "fudgepacking fags" and
"rectum loving queers"? Not very clean!

9. He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.

You've publicly shown your contempt for the U.S. Constitution,
and the "supreme law of the land" specified by the Constitution.
And you've been shamefully disrespectful of the US servicemen
and servicewomen who have been killed in action. You've advocated
sending more of them over to be killed. You're no cowboy.

You have no right to call yourself a cowboy. In that photo of
you in the Brokeback Cowboy suit, you have a pistol dangling,
not where a cowboy would wear it, but right in front of your
genitals. Of course, you know that that's a clear signal in the
gay community (not that anyone would ever accept the explicit
invitation). A cowboy would never wear his pistol in such a
ridiculous manner, but we know why you wear it there, and why
you have proudly displayed the photo on your website-o-haet.

Face it Mikkkey, you're a failure as a cowboy, and a disgrace
to Gene Autry's Cowboy Code. You also seem to be a failure as
a gay cowboy. Maybe the only thing you could be successful at
is to shoot off your own balls. If you had any balls.
2007-06-23 17:02:59 UTC
Post by Jazzycat1
Then WHY - OH WHY -
Would anybody waste time with a fraud like Mikey? I have no idea, but
we at alt.music.gospel.southern would appreciate it if you would stop
cross posting to this ng.
We're trying to get this thread off the
front page and if you keep dragging it out of the gutter, we never
Considering that the user who dragged it out of the gutter was in your
own newsgroup, and not cross-posted, welcome back, NetK0p.
2007-05-31 00:26:53 UTC
OK, so you don't CHOOSE to. Like you have a choice in the matter. Did
you choose to be born a white male?

Why do you choose such gay clothes?
Post by d***@yahoo.com
George, I would NEVER CHOOSE to participate in the UNBIBLICAL
2007-05-31 00:31:44 UTC
Post by Aremick
OK, so you don't CHOOSE to. Like you have a choice in the matter. Did
you choose to be born a white male?
Why do you choose such gay clothes?
George, I would NEVER CHOOSE to participate in the UNBIBLICAL- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
He chose the Gay clothes to attract Shawn Hines. Shawn is not into
that so now Rev Doodie is without hope!
2007-05-31 09:34:03 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
The Bible could not be any clearer, practicing homosexuals are not
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (Amplified Bible)
"9Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not
inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived
(misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality...
10... will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt
Post by Jeff
Ooh, k00kfr0th! Watch out for the CAPS LOCK KEY.
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???
Below is my
4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions
,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***
" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...
" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...
, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "
7just as
There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"
,"since they in the same way"
"as these indulged in gross immorality "
"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "
"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"
, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidtwww.trumpetofthelord.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Gordon Hudson
2007-05-31 14:39:05 UTC
Post by e***@rcn.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Not wishing ot be crude (but I will be anyway) Dizzy Gillespie often said
that the ability to hit high notes started with the tightness of your nether
Jim Blansett
2007-05-31 16:22:03 UTC
On Thu, 31 May 2007 15:39:05 +0100, "Gordon Hudson"
Post by Gordon Hudson
Post by e***@rcn.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Not wishing ot be crude (but I will be anyway) Dizzy Gillespie often said
that the ability to hit high notes started with the tightness of your nether
Seeing you describe it that way, it's a wonder that every
ultra-religious trumpet player isn't able to play at least as high as
that high note specialist, "KKKing Howdy." He's a tight-ass if I ever
saw one.
2007-05-31 17:47:10 UTC
Post by Jim Blansett
On Thu, 31 May 2007 15:39:05 +0100, "Gordon Hudson"
Post by Gordon Hudson
Post by e***@rcn.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Not wishing ot be crude (but I will be anyway) Dizzy Gillespie often said
that the ability to hit high notes started with the tightness of your nether
That is because Dizzy Gillespie was a lownoter who could not play high
notes. Mikey Schmidt is the greatest high note trumpet player of all
times, no trumpet player who has ever lived has ever had the range and
power of Mikey Schmidt, all of you usenet kookoos can say what you
want, what you can't do is play with greater trumpet range than Mikey
Schmidt. Mikey Schmidt is the King of trumpet high notes.
Post by Jim Blansett
Seeing you describe it that way, it's a wonder that every
ultra-religious trumpet player isn't able to play at least as high as
that high note specialist, "KKKing Howdy." He's a tight-ass if I ever
saw one.
No trumpet player on earth can play notes on a trumpet as high as
Mikey Schmidt can. Mikey Schmidt is the greatest ultra high note
trumpet player of all times, that is why he owns all of you, and why
you all are so obsessed with him. Were Mikey Schmidt unable to play
notes on a trumpet higher and louder than anyone else, none of you
kookoos would give him the time of day. The way that so many of you
attack him and Chiz and Phil is just proof that you all are jealous of
the Christian trumpet players, because they are Spirit filled, because
they can play the trumpet better than you can and you atheist homos
just can not figure out how they do it. Mikey Schmidt has been called
one of the ten best trumpet players in the world , yet you are so
jealous and obsessed with him that you call him a grade school player,
which only proves that yuor motives are wacked.

Doctor Nomine
Jim Blansett
2007-05-31 18:03:02 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Post by Jim Blansett
On Thu, 31 May 2007 15:39:05 +0100, "Gordon Hudson"
Post by Gordon Hudson
Post by e***@rcn.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Not wishing ot be crude (but I will be anyway) Dizzy Gillespie often said
that the ability to hit high notes started with the tightness of your nether
That is because Dizzy Gillespie was a lownoter who could not play high
notes. Mikey Schmidt is the greatest high note trumpet player of all
times, no trumpet player who has ever lived has ever had the range and
power of Mikey Schmidt, all of you usenet kookoos can say what you
want, what you can't do is play with greater trumpet range than Mikey
Schmidt. Mikey Schmidt is the King of trumpet high notes.
Post by Jim Blansett
Seeing you describe it that way, it's a wonder that every
ultra-religious trumpet player isn't able to play at least as high as
that high note specialist, "KKKing Howdy." He's a tight-ass if I ever
saw one.
No trumpet player on earth can play notes on a trumpet as high as
Mikey Schmidt can. Mikey Schmidt is the greatest ultra high note
trumpet player of all times, that is why he owns all of you, and why
you all are so obsessed with him. Were Mikey Schmidt unable to play
notes on a trumpet higher and louder than anyone else, none of you
kookoos would give him the time of day. The way that so many of you
attack him and Chiz and Phil is just proof that you all are jealous of
the Christian trumpet players, because they are Spirit filled, because
they can play the trumpet better than you can and you atheist homos
just can not figure out how they do it. Mikey Schmidt has been called
one of the ten best trumpet players in the world , yet you are so
jealous and obsessed with him that you call him a grade school player,
which only proves that yuor motives are wacked.
Doctor Nomine
Here goes that damned Howdy with his nym-shifting, yet, again.
2007-05-31 18:10:19 UTC
Yep, he's Holey-er than thou.
2007-05-31 18:33:35 UTC
Helgesen, you are the fake Nomine.

And Helgesen, no matter what you say, you are a better trumpet player
than Shawn Hines , and Mikey Schmidt is a better trumpet player than

Call Mikey Schmidt all of the names that you all want to, but none of
you punks has tone on a flugelhorn that is as good as Mikey Schmidt's.

I am the real Doctor Nomine
2007-06-01 19:27:16 UTC
Post by D***@gmail.com
Helgesen, you are the fake Nomine.
Sorry, slapnuts.

Of course, you've been wrong about just about everything else, why
should this be any different?
2007-05-31 17:49:16 UTC
Post by Gordon Hudson
Post by e***@rcn.com
Why is this in rec.music.makers.trumpet. Unless homosexual behavior
has an effect on trumpet range, tone, articulation or dexterity,
shouldn't you take this to some news group where they care?
Not wishing ot be crude (but I will be anyway) Dizzy Gillespie often said
that the ability to hit high notes started with the tightness of your nether
That must be why Rev DooKKKie can hit the"Brown" note so well!
Gordon Hudson
2007-05-31 14:37:47 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
The Bible could not be any clearer, practicing homosexuals are not
Thats actually quite a liberal position to be taking.
I would have expected most fundamentalists wo have not even required them to
be practicing.

I was at university with an American pastor doing a phd who was universally
hated because he was a non practicing homosexual who believed that
homosexual activity was sinful.
His idea was that it was possible to have the urge but resist it, and he was
in his 40's by this time.
I think not being married had been useful as he had more time for helping
other people in his ministry.
He said it was the cross he had to bear although he was a very happy and
fulfilled person.

The gay people hated him because he thought that what they were doing was
wrong aND THEY THOUGHT WHAT HE WAS (not) doing was unnatural.
The anti gay fundamentalists hated him because he described himself as gay.
The pentecostals hated him because he didn't see the need to be cured
because he was celibate.
2007-05-31 18:03:55 UTC
Post by Gordon Hudson
Post by d***@yahoo.com
The Bible could not be any clearer, practicing homosexuals are not
Thats actually quite a liberal position to be taking.
I would have expected most fundamentalists wo have not even required them to
be practicing.
Mikey is an evangelical minister, he is not a fundamentalist. The
bible says that those who are men lyin in bed with men are the ones
who are not going to inherit the kingdom of God. Any homosexual who
turns from his wicked homosexual lifestyle and makes Jesus his Lord
may be saved.
Post by Gordon Hudson
I was at university with an American pastor doing a phd who was universally
hated because he was a non practicing homosexual who believed that
homosexual activity was sinful.
His idea was that it was possible to have the urge but resist it, and he was
in his 40's by this time.
Being tempted with a sin is not a sin. Only giving into the temptation
is sin.
Post by Gordon Hudson
I think not being married had been useful as he had more time for helping
other people in his ministry.
He said it was the cross he had to bear although he was a very happy and
fulfilled person.
The gay people hated him because he thought that what they were doing was
wrong aND THEY THOUGHT WHAT HE WAS (not) doing was unnatural.
The anti gay fundamentalists hated him because he described himself as gay.
The pentecostals hated him because he didn't see the need to be cured
because he was celibate.
All sin sends people to hell, not just the sin of homesexuality. If he
ever did commit the sin of homosexuality, unless he confessed of that
sin and repented of it, he will end up in hell.

Doctor Nomine
2007-06-23 04:40:04 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals.
Wow . . . sounds sorta like Sen. Joseph McCarthy from the 1950's . . .
Accusations without evidence . . .

Would you like to name these two people? And provide evidence for your
enie hugie
2022-10-30 18:10:57 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Southern Gospel music's two Homosexual singers/stars/entertainers are
Southern Gospel Music today has TWO Star Singers/Entertainers who are
practicing homosexuals. One was caught up recently in a well
publicised Knoxville TN extortion case, where someone illegally
threatened to out him if he did not give them money. My question is
why??? Because our SGM industry has known that this person was a
practicing sodomite for many years. I told you all a long time ago in
this newsgroup about these two practicing homosexuals. Remember?
I believe that Both of these two sodomites, posing as Christian
singers / entertainers, are in reality NOT SAVED at all . Why does the
church continue to support these two worldly entertainers???
Below is my
4"For certain persons have (M)crept in unnoticed"
Certain people have entered into the CHURCH unnoticed, lets see just
what kind of people that they are
" those who were long beforehand (N)marked out for this condemnation'
They were people who earlier were condemned for their actions
,"ungodly persons"
They were ungodly persons, lets see why they were ungodly***
" who turn (O)the grace of our God into (P)licentiousness and (Q)deny
our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. "
They were persons who turned from the salvation by grace message, and
they turned it into a denial of Jesus, but why?, read on...
" 5Now I desire to (R)remind you, though (S)you know all things once
for all, that [a]the Lord, (T)after saving a people out of the land
Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
6And (U)angels who did not keep their own domain(Nephilim, see
6:1-4), but abandoned their proper abode"
OK, we know that Genesis 6 is talking about SEXUAL sins, and thus so
is Jude. just what sexual sins are = to the sins in the book of
Genesis???. read on...
, "He has (V)kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of
the great day, "
7just as
There sexual sins are what kind of sins, they are sins just like ...
"(W)Sodom and Gomorrah and the (X)cities around them"
,"since they in the same way"
"as these indulged in gross immorality "
"and (Y)went after strange flesh
, "are exhibited as an (Z)example in undergoing the (AA)punishment of
eternal fire. "
"8Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming"
, (AB)defile the flesh, and reject authority
Rev. Dr. Michael Schmidt
All Sin is an abomination, God sent His to cover all sins and sorry but yes gay men can be saved, and
all you self sanctification is but a stench in God's nostrils, how dare you sit in Judgment over anyone!