Post by t***@yahoo.comPost by G***@wmconnect.comPost by atticusPost by Jr.Hank
I have never been accused by anyone who knows me of ever being homosexual.
So there is no need to deny it.
I only posted straight from his biography that was posted on the internet.
He might be a great songwriter but he evidently had issues with the church
and his sexuality.
And Junior, you obviously have "issues" with staying on point and
avoiding malicious slander. I mean do you really find speculating on
things you have no first hand knowledge of "Christlike". Like your
mama probably (or should have) told you, if you can't say something
good, it's best to keep your mouth shut; keep speculation (rumors,
gossip, whatever you'd choose to call it) to yourself. You never know
what could happen in your life, your family or your world where a
little mercy would be appreciated.
Everybody stand up, Atticus is passing.....
have personal experience with your discussion about LW. I was a
member of the United Pentecostal Church in 1986 when I met a man and
fell in love and married him. He had attended JCM in 1985 where he
was a member of the LW chorale and traveled the country with the
group. My life will never be the same because of LW. It took almost
11 years before the whole truth would come out. My husband was
actually "paired" with LW to share a hotel room and woke up one night
to find he was receiving oral from him. His life was never the same.
He told me about it a while before it became public information. It
ruined my life and his life. We had moved to Houston and were going
to a very large church there when LW was invited to join our church as
music minister. I went to the pastor with my husband and told the
whole story. By this time the UPC had already kicked LW out, but our
church was non-denom so I guess he would have free run there. Our
minister admitted that he knew LW had abused many, many boys over the
years. Most were 18 yrs old, so what could be done. He had huge
talent so why would RH turn him down? I believe LW is still in that
church. Since then I divorced my husband ( he had been doing things
unknown to me our entire marriage stemming from the abuse from LW)
left the UPC never to return and moved as far north as I can. I still
ache in my heart from the years lost and the horrible, horrible heart
ache both I and my exhusband have experience. Trust me, everything
you hear is true and probably much more the UPC has hidden. I just
hope he has not been abusing young men the entire time he has been in
Houston. It is so horrible. Thanks for hearing me.
Broken In Washington- Hide quoted text -
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Wow, I know this was posted some time back but I had to respond. My
father is and has been a UPC preacher for years and I personally have
sat in church listening to the Lanny Wolfe Trio and choirs. I myself
was assaulted 45 years ago by a UPC preacher in the bathroom of his
church in northern Indiana while my dad and mom prayed people through
to the Holy Ghost at the alter. I was 7 at the time and totally
believed everything I had been taught I prayed for Jesus to help but
nobody came! I have since after years of torment in my mind given up
on the UPC and will never be a church member again...homosexuality
runs rampant in their churches and to think they poke fun at the
Catholics! I can feel the terrible pain you suffer and just wanted to
say Jesus still cares it's not his fault what people do even if they
claim to be annoited by him! I am still a believer in Jesus but have
learned going to a church does not make you a christian just as
sitting in your garage all night won't make you a car! The UPC needs
to come clean and ask forgivness from God and try to do something to
help those who have been injured..I still am affected by my situation
and have survived and kept love in my heart only through the grace of
Jesus! You can write beautiful songs, preach great sermons, build big
churches and still be lost in sin! I have had thoughts of removing
these preachers genitals and placing them on the alter in sacrafice
but that would not be socially accepted so instead I recently went
back to the church where I was molested dressed in my Harley shirt and
headband with my long hair hanging down my back!!! the preacher did
not even remember me and I caused no trouble for him..let God take
care of it I guess? May God have mercy on their souls and have mercy
on the UPC and bring them back to where they should be with him. I
will keep you in my prayers. Tomosinger