Post by WillyNever have I ever said such a thing. Did I mistype or are you confusing
another post that was perhaps mixed in my own?
Just for the record I have cut and pasted your original statement that God
DID NOT write the Bible.
Here it is - please explain where you got this balogna from. You wrote this
on 10/18 at 2:32pm
It will NEVER cease to amaze me at how "defensive" all of us, myself
included at times, become in regard to the Bible and it's writings. We
desperately want, because of how we've been taught, to be able to
"literally" read the Bible as though it was from God's lips to mans ears.
The Bible was not written by God. Period. It is actually miraculous in how
it all comes together so perfectly, and therein perhaps the reason we often
refer to the scripture as "the Word" and we hold it in high esteem. How can
we not? The Bible talks about the "Sacred"... about the most high God,
about his Son Jesus Christ... it MUST be held in highest esteem, for it is
writing that we choose to hold sacred. We are so compelled that we might
say, we MUST hold it in this posture.
I'm not taking away anything or discounting or disputing ANY point of
scripture... I'm merely presenting some fact that we now know, that the
writer's couldn't possibly have known, that the Bible was written over 1400
years by dozens of different writer's, and I stand amazed and in awe at how
with such tremendous fluid and poise it all comes together perfectly. No
other book will EVER demonstrate what our Holy Bible does. I hold it in
higher regard than any other document known to man, and am sure I will until
my dying day.
The point of my statement wasn't to demonstrate a Biblical conflict,
although there are dozens, nor is it to in ANY way discount the Bible.
Let's face it. It IS THE SOURCE for Christianity as we know it today.
But I also choose to be logical and intelligent enough to accept that there
are discrepancies and obvious cultural bias that, to me, help demonstrate
the REALITY and BEAUTY that the scripture was penned by men with the very
best of intentions and pureness of heart.
You see, many if not most writer's who have pointed out Biblical discrepancy
and error, do so in an effort to DISCOUNT the value of scripture as a whole.
While fundamentalist on one hand stand on a box and scream "I can't hear
you, I won't listen, I can't hear you, I won't listen"... and BLINDLY
accept a literal reading, this only complicates matters for the reality of
the situation.
Please understand my concern which is this. I've watched Christianity, and
the public perception thereof, radically change over my lifetime. I'm 53
years old, and have rarely missed church on Sunday in my entire life. I was
saved young and have always been involved on some level in evangelism or at
a minimum, church participation. Admittedly I live North of the Mason Dixon
now and have for many years, and the general attitude toward being "born
again" or even using those words makes most everyone in my world bristle.
Sad, but true.
But why is it that a goodly portion of the population in these United States
has come to such a low disregard for the church, the Bible, and the
teachings thereof?
Well, that's a conversation that we could have for days or months, and never
reach a unanimous conclusion.
But back to the point I was trying to make. I feel WE MUST CONSIDER THE
taking every story as though it were literal. As science progresses in
wisdom and fact, it will only serve to DISCOUNT the value of the scripture
when we blindly accept every word "literally". It will result in many
fundamental thinking readers loosing FAITH... because when we hold a story
as "fact" and then are presented with indisputable facts to counter that
story... well, it makes the ENTIRE Bible story seem suspect.
Ah, the problem... the reason so many throw out the Bible is because of
LITERALISM. And once you find ONE instance where something doesn't agree,
then you throw away the entire document as invalid.
I don't believe the Bible was ever intended to be taken literally, nor to be
analyzed in such a literal way. There is GREAT danger is teaching a literal
reading as the END RESULT IS DAMAGING to Christianity as a whole. It causes
unbelief. It humiliates the churches that do so.
Now lastly, for I could discuss this matter without end, a couple of you
asked me to site an example as noted in my comments #3 that said we today
"know better" in spite of how the apostles saw it.
I did that already, but let me do it again.
The disciples ALL UNANIMOUSLY felt & taught that Jesus Christ would RETURN
TO THIS EARTH in THEIR LIFETIME. Just a simple reading of the first four
gospels will clearly reveal how they were waiting... they believed with all
their heart that Jesus would come to them again in their lifetime, and they
taught they instructed the churches in the letters we now read as scripture
to believe so.
But of course, it's now 2,000 years later and, unless it happens before I
finish this email, Christ still hasn't returned to them or us.
Does this discount the scripture? NOT AT ALL. You see, in my opinion, we
MISS THE POINT. The point is that Christ is going to return because HE SAID
HE WOULD. We don't know the "day nor the hour"... but we DO PRESENTLY KNOW
FOR SURE, based on a calendar view, that the writer's were MISTAKEN in their
assumption that He would return in their lifetime... mistaken by at least
2,000 years. But to me, unlike many who are looking for a reason to devalue
and harm the Sacred, we GET THE POINT. We don't take the writer LITERALLY
and therefore assume He was a false prophet because he implied in his
lifetime, when in fact it didn't happen.
Blessings to all,